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Bush targets Greenpeace


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My close friend and a member of this board is in the amazon right now with Greenpeace.Priscilla(Optic-throat-cut),went down last month to La Paz Boliva tomeet with others, then of to Manus Amazon Brazil to protest the illegal logging there within the Deni community.

In 1992 the Brazilian goverment signed an agreement tocease logging there but has since broken that agreement.Here's to her and her dedication to our enviroment.

Miss ya P, safe journeys and return home safely babe.Love ya.

[big Grin]


they suck if your american do some thing about it

[Roll Eyes]

Sad really.

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Originally posted by jared:

they suck if your american do some thing about it

hows abouts: "if you're alive and you don't like bush's policies, do something about it."

of course it would help if you're american, but it's not the be-all and end-all...

check out rolling stone's giant essay on bush's environmental policies... it's online here.


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