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Get Back Music Faire 2004 in Ottawa

Rob Not Bob

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OK, the name sucks ... [Wink]

Further to the good time we had last september at the Pagan Picnic, I am looking to get the wheels started on the Get Back Music Faire next summer on the same site. This will be a benefit to raise money for the Mission and food for the Ottawa Food Bank. The folks from here who made it out and/or performed at the Pagan Picnic (Dr. Hux, Pottie, BradM, B&Z, Larry Jr., Arcane, etc. ) can testify to what a great site it was, with some awesome music being made and a cool vibe. I think if we can get enough folks out this should be a great time, with camping, fun and music on into the night. I know this is early, but I would like to get a little bit started ... if anyone has any suggestions or wants to help form an organizing committee, feel free to speak up now. I think this could be a heck of a lot of fun and a great time for everyone.

Seriously, though, the name ... if anyone has a better idea, I would love to hear it [Wink]



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Ahhh....call it "Mosquitostock" !!

Never knew they had critters like that out there....even my guitar neck had welts on it for days...scary!

(only De-tox Hux was unaffected, I think his hemp-o-globin was extremely "high" that night)

It was a blast so I hope lots of bands/musicians volunteer and come out.....good times all around.

I forgot to tell you yesterday that that on your birthday '5-08-70, Jimi played NORMAN, Oklahoma-

cosmic connection or coincidence?.you be the judge

(Twilight Zone music.......)

take care NORMAN

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....well....noone can ever accuse you waiting till the last minute on this Rob... [Wink]

Lot's of time to get this one figured out, but I would say a non-conflicting date would be the 1st order of business, let people get it in their schedules early....

It's a great site!! Let's make it happen!

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Hey, when exactly is this? If you're looking for more bands, I'm sure I could get the Uncle Seth crew up for this since we've made so many good friends in Ottawa over the past year or so, and it would be a kick to actually be there when it's warm for a change. Plus we're always keen on supporting anything that's anti-hunger.

And if not, I'd probably come myself just for the party! [big Grin]


Mr. M.

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Haven't set the date in stone, nor do I think we should yet, having to see how next year shapes up for schedules of Pagan Festivals (so I can make it), various and sundry music festivals (so everyone else can make it), individual touring schedules (ditto) , and availability of the land. Even if we are able to get it set in decent time, I am terrified that all of a sudden Pork Tornado will have a New England tour on the same day and absolutely everyone in Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton and all points in between will be there instead [smile] We shall see, but I would love to have Uncle Seth there.


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Sounds great Rob - we're gonna be trying to do a lot more touring next spring and summer so keep us in mind for it.

And Hux - you may be right about my band mates, but I'm up 6 pounds from my ideal fall fighting weight. To celebrate, I'm going to Milestones tonight for beer, steak, fries, beer & one of their ridiculous quadruple-chocolate deserts. Hmmmm...

- M.

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Originally posted by B & Z:

Ahhh....call it "Mosquitostock" !!

Never knew they had critters like that out there....even my guitar neck had welts on it for days...scary!

(only De-tox Hux was unaffected, I think his hemp-o-globin was extremely "high" that night)

As my wife pointed out, it was only Mosquitostock for about 10 minutes ... but they were a particularly vicious 10 minutes. Those weren't Mosquitos, those were condors! I'm hoping to have this in June, outside of Mosquito season.


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If Dr. Hux recommends re-naming this to "Larry David's Neverland Ranch Redux," I ask for the right to veto power. I swear, it was all just a big misunderstanding, and I won't be bringing any frisbee next time around. [Wink]

Other than that, I'll try thinking of some good ideas and get back to you.

And yes, for those that weren't there, it was a super chilling time.

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