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Phishy Expectations


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WOWZA! Pickin' up the pieces here....and finally comin' round to realize that I just saw some great phish shows.

Now I noticed from a few reviews and comments by phisheads that many ppl were expecting more from the boys on the 20th anniv, or at least more eye candy, heady bustouts, narrations or a never-ending show like cypress. Too bad all those with high expectations left unsatisfied.. but really, this weekend was a moment to be remembered in phishtory!

I can say with some confidence that i'll never see better shows than some of the ones i've experienced in the past - but what this run has shown me, is that the boys are fully capable of exceeding my expectations and blowing my mind!

If theres anything i learned from a few miserable experiences from 99-00 phish shows, its that high expectations for any show, will ruin it for you!!

Several highlights at each show...

philly - Twist jam, makisupa>bill...solid bowie.

albany - tweezer > 2001!

boston - hood opener, piper, *ROCK'n'ROLL*..

and of course, the acid-test movie and kung that completely melted my face....

Great to finally meet some ottawa kids too...

but...don't you people ever sleep?!

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Originally posted by headygouda:

Now I noticed from a few reviews and comments by phisheads that many ppl were expecting more from the boys on the 20th anniv, or at least more eye candy, heady bustouts, narrations or a never-ending show like cypress. Too bad all those with high expectations left unsatisfied..

Why is it I hear over and over again more about what folks didn't get to hear/want/expect then what they did hear and didn't expect?

I'll never get that...and not just "phans" but Deadheads(or so called Heads)...isn't anyone ever just glad they got to see the show anymore?

Glad you had a great time though headygouda,isn't that what its all about.


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I was talking to DownTown last night and he made the interesting point that OF COURSE they didn't pull off any insane stunts in Boston -- entirely because everyone was expecting them to. With Phish you really can expect the unexpected, whether it works out to your benefit or not. So while it looks like they delivered a memorabe show in Boston, it is only fitting that they just gave the audience straight-up Phish without any sideshows. Looks like the unannounced all-night arena show will have to happen on a random night such as 11/26/04 or 2/15/05.

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For me the benefit is seeing the show,expirenceing the vibe and sharing that with however many thousand kind souls are there also.

Of all the 40 GD shows I ever saw I was never disappointed,just being there was the thrill I was looking for and satisfaction was achieved.

But thats just me I guess...


Nothing left to do but smile smile smile...
[big Grin][big Grin][big Grin]

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