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Rose Garland this Saturday night


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Hello Friends.

This is a reply to the questions regarding the Rose Garland show this Saturday night, Dec.13, in particular those of New Rider and Chewie. Unfortunately, your guess is as good as ours as to how long our set is. It all depends on how many acts bail on this thing---and some always do. Also, we don't know what time slot we'll be given. Rest assured, we'll play as long as we possibly can. For those of you wondering, this gig is a benefit for the protesters of the Red Hill onramp that is to be built in Hamilton. Politics aside, it's a chance to tear some ears apart. When I find out more,I'll post it here..

There are no further Rose Garland shows booked for the rest of the year. Any new gig will be posted on "rosegarland.ca". The site will be updated in the near future, but we will also hip you guys to upcoming gigs in this forum.

In the next few months we plan to make our way into the Guelph/Kitchener/Peterborough/Lindsay...

and,yes,Collingwood areas. So keep your eyes peeled....gotta go practice now...

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