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Captains of Eternity


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great quote I received this morning..

"I have never said a dirty word about Jesus. Ever. But I can't stand the

people who follow him. I can't stand people who follow anything but their

favourite team. We are a society of cowards. How many Christians would go

into the desert and survive for forty days and forty nights ? with only

water from the dew of leaves in the morning to drink, with only bugs and

the occasional root of some bitter plant to eat, with no shelter from the

scorching sun of the day or the chilling cold of the night, with no toilet

paper? How many would do this? Maybe nine. Nine of the millions who call

themselves Christians.

It takes hard work to become a captain of eternity. Jesus did really well

on his test. On his own! With no cheating. But now there are millions of

people looking over his shoulder, stealing answers. Why? Because they don't

want to find them on their own. It's not like stealing a peek during a math

test either ? answers that work for one person don't work for anyone else.

You can't steal life answers and pretend they're your own. It's like

wearing someone else's underwear.

The captains of eternity knew the secret. You have to find your own way. No

matter how scary it gets, or lonely, or baffling or insane, you have to cut

your own path. There is no shortcut to salvation. As soon as you butt in

line with a bunch of other lazy and ignorant people and start following

someone, it's over.

These lines of followers stretch as far as the eye can see and everyone in

line is pretty goddamn cocky about it. The Jews tell us they're chosen,

Buddhists are enlightened, Christians are saved, Hindus are reincarnated

and Muslims devoted. And the rest of us? Walking our solitary walk? We

don't have a fucking chance. Do we? Balderdash. There are as many roads to

paradise as there are people on the planet. Hallelujah. We're all captains

of eternity, baby. Fuck the long lines. Keep walking. Stay strong."

From Robert Sedlack's novel The African Safari Papers.

...going to have to read this one i think.

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