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DUDE - I am in a music video!


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Wow, I can't believe I found this today. This is the only music video I have ever been a part of recording. I am the nutty bass player with huge hair (since removed!)

What do you guys think? I think it's pretty neat. A throwback to my Radiohead rock days with Maryjayne in Ontario... this was recorded at the Hard Rock Cafe.


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Dude, I had super intense hair!

That video was from Feb - and I didn't cut it off til the end of July man! It was cool.

I miss my innocent hippie days. [Frown]

Caramel - you're a meanie [big Grin]

LargMarg - I dunno why it won't play but check it out yo. I miss you too. How's the MoStan? I miss my old MoStan paycheques. Had 2 gigs with Stephen and Gisto from Wassabi already... both last weekend! Been jamming with them tons and tons. [smile]

I love you guys.

What's new in Ontario?

Tell me of your lives. [Wink]

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