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I gotta be honest here; I don't have time to read yet another forum. It's sad that I'll lose out on all the tasty treats. Actually, given how BT works, it's sad for all of us since I'm usually downloading from a client's T1 connection. [Wink]

Not trying to be a pain here; it's just time consuming to read more than one forum. Was there a problem with the links being here?

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Organizing BT posts is something of an importance. The cavern moves very swiftly, and they get lost within the day.

\/\/illy, all it takes is one extra click to get to the BT forum. I know you can do that [Wink]

Gimme a \ !

Gimme a / !

Gimme a \ !

Gimme a / !

Gimme a i !

Gimme a l !

Gimme another l !

Gimmy a y !

What's that spell??

\/\/illy !!!!!

There you have it. I did the \/\/illy cheer. THat's gotta stand for something.

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bouche...hahahaha...funny, buddy....willy c'mon man, really how long does it take to read? you check the setlist and click the link if you want it, if not, like the message says, use the back button on your browser...and hopefully, for guys like Esau and whoever else, that accessibility problem will get cleaned up...

anyhoo, while we're on the topic, i have a question about bit torrents...i understand the concept, and that the more people who are using it, it goes faster and all that...leaving your window open and such...but, i still can never get a download to go more than 15kib/sec..and even getting it up to that speed is a rarity...is it just my luck that when im downloading everyone decides to close their windows? is there opportune time to download? am i just plain missing something? i tell ya, i was drooling when paisley said he was up to 350kib on that great went torrent the other day..i went on right away and was maxin out at 8kib....btw, when i came to work this mornin, it was still at only 27% downloaded, and its been goin for almost 2 days...what gives?

any help or advice so i can get this shit quicker and actually feel like bit torrents are a useful tool?

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ok...being slightly computer illiterate, i'll try to help you help me, haha...

bouche: router/switch? not sure. i assume you're asking about my internet connection? i got sympatico highspeed, and it looks like it comes from my phone line into this box then into my computer...via ethernet...is the box the router? firewall? i've heard the term before, but im not quite sure how it relates. how do i find out if i have a firewall installed?

esau: bit torrent 3.3? i downloaded it from etree, i believe...does that make sense?

thanks guys...


ps: got home and im sittin at 40% on great went...currently downloading at 1kib/sec, and uploading at 11kib/sec...why am i uploading faster than i am downloading? shouldnt the uploading take a backseat until the downloading is done? or, at least, not be faster?

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Sympatico High Speed = Unnghhh!

That box is just your xDSL 'MODEM' (although it neither MOdulates or DEModulates). I have heard Symaptico guys on the phone talking about a 'firewall' service that they offer. Perhaphs you ended up with it? The other possibility is that you are running a software firewall. If you're using Windows XP, there is one built in that might be activated. To check, go to Start, Control Panel, Network Connections. If any of the icons have a little gold padlock on them, you've got firewalling active. Of course, this only applies if you're using Windows XP.

Let's start there. What operating system are you using?

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I wasn't trying to be a shithead about the BT thing, I'm just being honest. I sit in front of f'ing computers all day. I don't want another area to check. STG has this kick-ass jazz forum that secondtube got going but I hardly ever make it over there either. I just don't want another board to plunge through. I spend time here and that's about it. Sometimes I see a BT thread that interests me and I download it.

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You're far from a shit head.

I understand \/\/illy. Such is the life of a computer geek though.

You may have to reorganize your life. I'm running a seminar in your town very soon called "How to manage your life so you have time to click on that one extra link" and it's only $59.99 for the one day event.

More details to follow...


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Why wouldn't you just use the the STG tracker?

I really only go there unless I am updating a vine,I find it alot easier then searching through hundreds of threads for good shows.



I will have to look at that one,I use a different one.Perhaps changing clients my help..other then that these guys would know better then me.

I see there is 5 seeds still on the great went show,so I am not sure what to tell ya off hand.But I will see what I can find out.

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Originally posted by jared:

what exactly is a bit torrent?

BitTorrent is a noncommercial protocol for sharing large files and filesets. It's super easy to use. BitTorrentDownloads are started just by clicking on small .torrent files or hyperlinks. Downloaders get pieces of the fileset from the original server, and from anyone else who is downloading. The more people there are downloading the same thing, the lower the burden on the central server, and the faster everyone's downloads get, due to sharing with each other. The more, the merrier!


How did I know that you ask?

I just did a very simple procedure called " a search".......

Here's one of many results...


...the wonders of the internet eh?

Its amazing what you'll find.

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