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Good News Eric Clapton Fans


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Slowhand has officially retired syrupy songs " Tears in Heaven " and " My Father's Eyes " from his live repetoir.

Other good news: Clapton's next new album will be entirely of Robert Johnson songs. It's called Me & Mr. Johnson . It's safe to say that Babyface and Phil Collins have nothing to do with this album.

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If Clapton was ever going to release another covers only album, then Robert Johnson is the appropriate guy to cover. The Delta blues cleanses the musical soul, and Clapton's soul needs a bit of cleansing. This album makes sense because Clapton has had a Robert Johnson connection since the day he first picked up a guitar.

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I too saw Clapton on his 'Blues' tour and I thought it was magnificant! He comes out, sits down, announces to the crowd that they're "not going to hear Layla tonight; tonight is for the blues." Of course, there were still some idiots screaming for "Layla" after every song that he played but I didn't let them get to me. It was a great concert.

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couple of ec stories...

1) my buddy pete in high school was working the midnight shift at the tilbury 401 tim hortons when a tour bus pulled in...he thought to himself, "ah fuck, it's gonna be a bus load of old tourists." but only one man entered the store. he ordered a medium coffee (1 milk, 1 sugar) and an orange muffin.

of course it was slowhand. [Eek!]

i shit when he told me this and asked him if he got his picture/autograph/underwear etc...

he said "no...he looked tired and i didn't want to bother him" [Eek!]

2)my friends from work were at (not in, just outside the gates) of clapton's mansion and rehab centre in Antigua this year.

they didn't know what their tour guide was saying...(caribbean accent) "that's arab captain's house." [smile]

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