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for those who dont like STARBUCKS


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I'm a black coffee drinker...ahem..I like coffee served black. Admittedly, Starbucks makes a good cup of black coffee. On all other accounts I hate everything they stand for.

Speaking of Grande/Vente bullshit check this out:


Secondtube you might want to try a Fair Trade Coffee Place and see what you think. TransFair only lists one retail outlet on their website:

The Bad Dog Cafe (229 Locke St. South)

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a couple of years ago i was doing a project on the anti-corporate movement. i found a flyer at starbucks in several different states that said they would be getting fair trade coffee in their outlets within a month. the next month i went to about twenty different starbucks all over the states and asked the employees if they had it yet. they didn't even know what fair trade coffee was! i have yet to find a starbucks in the states or canada that has fair trade coffee.

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Starbucks does indeed sell Fair Trade Coffee....

in bean form only...

in bags....

Once amonth...

on the 20th...

Probably the strangest policy I've heard in a long time. And no, they never actually brew the fair trade stuff, just sell it in bags. It's a disgraceful cash grab if you ask me.

Have also noticed that most if not all starbucks visitors are carrying takeout cups.

Do they still offer mugs if you say "For Here" ?(or whatever the Italian translation of that is)

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Yup that's some funny shit Second Tube. I went to Starbucks in Toronto a few weeks ago (on a business trip, I would never choose to go there myself, but if the boss goes, I go). Anyway, they had a free little booklet at the counter, it was about 10 pages or so, all about HOW to order a coffee from Starbucks. It gave you a worksheet on the last page so that you could write down what you wanted and know what to say the next time you want to order a damn cup of coffee.

How fucking pretentious is that? Assholes.

How about trying this mother fuckers... a small regular please.


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Bumping this because Fair Trade has come up and it's something near and dear to me.

There's all sorts of opportunities to get involved with the Fair Trade movement:

1. Check out Transfair's web site for background information, and to get familiar with what is certified, how it is certified and just what Fair Trade is all about (www.transfair.ca).

2. If you're in Ottawa, join the Ottawa Fair Trade Network (there's a yahoo group: OFTN and help

3. Think about food every day. Where does it come from? How is it grown? Whose livelihood depends on it? Once you are aware what Fair Trade is you'll probably find, as I have, that you can't stop thinking about this.

I'm sorry if this comes off as preachy. We just need to understand that there's two prices with most goods we buy: The price we pay, and the "real" price: Recognizing a "real" price for things is what Fair Trade is about IMHO.

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