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Local vs Out-Of-Town Bands


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The question has come up for discussion within our circle resently and I was just wondering what YOU thought about it.

Say for instance a local band gets a monthly gig at a local bar. Would you be more likely to go see them with another local band, or rather with a band from out of town?

What's going to draw a larger crowd, two local bands whom everyone has fun seeing, or one local band and something different?

It's an interesting topic with many ways of looking at it. Talk amongst yourselves. [Wink]

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without a doubt, no contest, get the outoftowner...

local bands are well, just that, local. you can see them anytime....

for me, i'd rather see a show with either no local band at all, just teh out of towner, or split local/out of town....but two local bands are just that, two local bands...

whats the draw?

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The Split for me.

But I guess for me it would depend on who the local band was.

For the most part I am always interested to hear other/newer bands play.

I do however have no problem with two out of town bands,but given the options I went for the split.

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The city is pretty key to all this as well, Hamilton vs. Ottawa - VERY different realities.

"local bands are well, just that, local. you can see them anytime...."

Maybe in the Hammer, but Ottawa has such a small scene, you can't see them all the time, we can only put on a minimal amouth of shows, so it would be the out of town band INSTEAD of a local band.

I would say it depends on the bands as well, some out of town bands people flock to see, ie. Jimmy Swift, New Deal, etc. while with other lesser-known bands, they don't.

People are more inclined to go see their friends band, than some band they've never heard of. And in our town in comes down to that, getting people out OTHER than the jamheads (who may have heard of the lesser known bands) but there just isn't enough of them...they don't exist in big numbers here at all unfortunately [Frown]

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being a highschool student, i love seeing (good) highschool bands, as its a good opportunity to hang with some good friends and meet new people . . its better when a local band plays with a good out of town band as well though, i cant say i realy prefer one over the other, they are entirely different things.

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