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Everything posted by bouche

  1. I always found it funny that such an old dude was so obsessed with humour, and great at it. I don't think I've ever heard a serious interview with him. Always joking. Too bad there won't be any more naked guns. Gonna have to revisit the naked gun series, and airplane. Steve Carell looks like Leslie Nielson.
  2. i forgot to paste this quote.
  3. Record stores have been gone for a long time. We've got media stores now that can't even keep up with the times. Amazon accounts for more DVD/Bluray sales than HMV, and HMV only got into selling movies and music killing all the mom and pop shops that you're probably thinking of. There are lots of online record shops that are doing great, but they're using a strategy that'll ensure they do fine. They have to battle iTunes, Amazon, and free shit like Grooveshark. For example: Insound sells ALL formats. Basically this is what the marketplace is. We're not paying for music anymore...we're paying for formats. Back to HMV, they are trying to figure out how to stay in business, and it's not because of people downloading music. What do record stores have to do with protecting Artists rights anyways? Back to HMV
  4. i'm not suggesting that at all. twisting words. i didn't even say that. just saying that your porn site isn't gonna fly. you're gonna get in trouble. don't do it.
  5. Just.Fucking.Try.And.Think.Beyond.The.Realm.Of.Your.Meager.Little.Bubble.World. [color:purple]Obviously artists must make albums for free and then they give them away. If people didnt pay for music you could kiss the majority of it goodbye. Would you work for Transport if they didnt pay you? In the end' date=' are you just whining because the next iPhone is going to cost you a little extra? Ooooh, look at that. People pay for them. Hmmmmm.[/quote'] soooo...let's put this into perspective...you're attacking me for pointing out that putting a levy on all electronic devices is a preposterous notion. and from your stand point, you don't ever download music from torrent sites, tv shows, dvd's, etc. am I correct so far?
  6. ever heard of Google Images? It's already going on. COMPLETELY NSFW WARNING unless you have safesearch turned on.
  7. I can't help feeling this is one of those internet conversations that would be so much easier to have in person. I'm also not doing this complex issue justice so out for now. hell no, and your attempt at justice in the mp3 thread is embarrassing.
  8. I repeat... huh? what sort of connections does your brain make? Bong much?
  9. That stream of zero's and one's (nice attempt at obfuscation' date=' btw) has a financial cost when purchased through legitimate channels. By bypassing that process you are in effect stealing. [/quote'] explain then who's financial burden it is to support bandwidth for Demonoid where booche sent me a link for the Tribute to Jerry disc that he was downloading? If someone hacked into the iTunes store or any digital store and took digital copies without paying, that's stealing. iTunes is primarily DRM free so whatever you purchase you can freely play on any device. Giving a copy to a friend who wasn't going to buy it anyway isn't the definition of stealing.
  10. has XBMC been upgraded? I haven't used it since I started using Tversity > PS3. I know they've updated the entire front end of the xbox dashboard...so if the media center has been improved, I'll have to try it out.
  11. still trying to figure out how walking into a store and taking property is the same as recording a stream of zero's and one's.
  12. here's a nice one i found on kijiji
  13. I own 2 vinyl copies of All Things Must Pass. Am I allowed to download an mp3 version, or is that stealing? Should I just rip the vinyl with my USB turntable? IS that allowed, or am I stealing from myself?
  14. So what tv does pete recommend? LOTR on Bluray is a great one to bring with you.
  15. it's too early to start drinking, isn't it?
  16. my advice is not to listen to people who tell you not to listen to people.
  17. I'd like to see what exactly is available in canada through boxee. I'm guessing just netflix.
  18. Oh Ollie...you're sound like THEM. downloading mp3's is not stealing. sorry bro.
  19. Who's the "we"? you need a levy? btw, I seed plenty.
  20. I wouldn't buy plasma if your room has much light coming through windows. LED is the best choice these days, but probably out of your budget. You know there'll be WICKED deals boxing day late at night at Futureshop and Best Buy. I'd narrow down the search field to at least the right brand and size and buy whatever is on sale at that time. Could probably get a Samsung. They're good at tv's. How far away will you be sitting? This is a handy chart. Screen Viewing distance range 26" 3.25-5.5 feet 32" 4.0-6.66 feet 37" 4.63-7.71 feet 40" 5.0-8.33 feet 46" 5.75-9.5 feet 52" 6.5-10.8 feet 58" 7.25-12 feet 65" 8.13-13.5 feet 70" 8.75-14.75 feet
  21. Canadian music stars lobby for MP3 levy I didn't expect to see "members of the tragically hip" on here. Did they even read this bullshit before putting their names on it? There is no sound way to blanket the entire user spectrum with a levy. That pretty much assumes that every single person uses an iPhone to listen to mp3's by Canadian artists that they never paid for. Surely the mp3 players they speak of covers everything from a basic usb stick mp3 player to iPhones, blackberries, and your mp3' enabled car stereo. I'd like to see a group spend some time and do a little survey to find out how much canadian content vs. US content is being played on electronic devices. They're basically looking to grab money from US artists. I don't think there are that many people wasting time downloading and listening to Nickelback or Anne Murray. fack.
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