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Everything posted by bouche

  1. Very interesting. I got an email this morning about this and was just ready to post it. NW seems to be all over the OFF news. I wish the renamed it to the Harmony Ottawa Folk Festival of The HOFF for short.
  2. Yes I have caught it. IN 2 words.. It's Conan. I STILL LOVE THE SHOW. Curious, did you watch the show much before he was on NBC? They certainly took the show up a notch on NBC and especially in the last month but this is the same conan I've always enjoyed. What is different and very well done is their incredible adoption of social networking and breaking down the 4th wall. They're posting behind the scenes stuff as it happens, twittering little trivia bits about the show and creating pretty damn funny content for the internets. What guests wouldn't have been weak? I thought he has had some fine guests. My buddy Paul and I saw 2 Late Night with Conan shows in NYC while we were there in 94.... One of the guests was the guy who played Butch on the Little Rascals, the other was Jackie Mason. now THOSE were some weak guests. It's pretty impressive to see what he's done. Pulled nearly his entire staff with him to another network to build another show and audience from the ground up. Lotsa balls on that lanky irish freak.
  3. depends on what you're looking for. Recipe archive, daily posts, social, or food porn? http://simplyrecipes.com/ http://www.foodpr0n.com/ http://umamigirl.com/ http://smittenkitchen.com/ http://www.practicallyedible.com/ http://www.foodspotting.com
  4. which computer? you're typing like there's only one computer....
  5. their december toronto parties are always fun.
  6. geez. january wasn't even one of the voting options.
  7. View full post
  8. Winning a pair of guest spots (that's you + 1) each: Basher KevO Please PM me and let me know if you can take the guest spots. I have to email names in ASAP.
  9. Notice how as soon as marriage is planned, he's trying to benefit Patchoulia financially? Better get one of them prenups!
  10. yes...you'll either have to stay up late or get up early and watch it in the morning. i'm just going to watch it tomorrow night. it's not like there are any surprises.
  11. Have it at the Elmdale. Problem solved. ha. true.
  12. nice. that's one guy who doesn't cut his fingernails.
  13. you should probably make sure your headphones are turned down to avoid damage to your ear drums. Autotune refuses to help this chick
  14. Congratulations. I'm guessing you'll be staying a few days in vegas?
  15. What would you like to see on the list?
  16. bouche


    not really genius. since the shelf is empty, they could just lay the beerz out in a row.
  17. if it's not possible or feasible to do at that time then of course, this thing will have to happen in january or february.
  18. Is this the new David Attenborough documentary?
  19. Oh this will be LOADS of fun. there is no doubt.
  20. so that's a yes. looking at december 18th as a prime candidate.
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