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Everything posted by bouche

  1. All that discussion is very well related. The only thing that turned my stomach slightly was the hatred for iTunes. You guys…geez. Labelling and organizing music as one sees fit in iTunes is completely supported. One of my favourite features of iTunes is iTunes Match. I've got access to my entire music library from that magical cloud without having to store everything I 'may' want to listen to on the iPhone, or I can pull the music down on other computers. Also since I have spotify going, I rarely pull stuff down anyway so I'm probably wasting money on one of those subscriptions.
  2. I'm digging this and it seems to come way too easy to him. I have to imagine he had all the music chambered and just tossed in the lyrics this week as news hits. Either way, I want to take his class…that he should be teaching.
  3. My biggest problem with the whole thing is the need to buy tracks all over again at a ridiculous cost, and the Pono people using the ultra def claims to persuade people to buy the device and new digital licenses. Snake oil!
  4. This is incredible. Glad it's worked out. I'm very curious to read about the "more updates to come". How the gear was recovered should provide some interesting details.
  5. http://www.theymightbegiants.com/flood-live-in-australia/
  6. It's his brother Will doing this. They kinda look alike and have similar names. You got his name in their sorta. Just add a 'brother Will'. "Win Butler's brother Will, will be releasing…."
  7. The archive is filled with gold. Don't hesitate to share hidden gems. There are so many sketches that I haven't seen since Eddie Murphy was in the cast. The Ebersol years were pretty awesome. They call it a complete archive, but there's alot that I can't seem to find, like certain music performances.
  8. Install Hola plug-in for whatever browser you use. http://hola.org After it's installed, there should be a button or something on your toolbar. Click it and select US. Visit the SNL archive and prepare to get lost in classic clips. (Turning it on and coming to this forum may log you out. Just log back in if it does.) If it works, you should be able to watch this embedded vid. It's a Spinal Tap short. https://screen.yahoo.com/spinal-tap-interview-000000180.html
  9. bouche


    c-towns to the burn unit!
  10. bouche


    Yeah, I understand that. I'm just recognizing that the interest in Mark's doc could have a side effect of much more unexpected awareness of Jamland outside of the tight collective.
  11. bouche


    wow! super cool. Congratulations on both projects Mark! It seems to me that the documentary could be one helluva promotional engine for Jamland, lighting up the radar with blips. Any thoughts on remote screenings? A couch tour version via Ustream or Youtube?
  12. https://www.yahoo.com/tech/it-was-one-of-kickstarters-most-successful-109496883039.html
  13. It's not like he was being taken over by ninjas, where you don't have time to look before you strike. It's just amazing to me that he swung his hulk-like arm around without identifying who was hanging around. It could have been anybody, and it happened to be simply a drunk girl having a laugh, not ninjas or even a harmless heckler who's only weapon is stupid words.
  14. While that video is blocked for me at the moment, I tried watching it and was just confused. I don't find Kanye entertaining at all and I don't identify him with live music. There were so many other great musicians that could have performed in that slot. And Miley....ugh. I'll always enjoy McCartney, and since Maybe I'm Amazed is a staple I've seen too many times to count, I kept imagining what his real hair looks like. Could he be mostly bald underneath a wig? I picture the episode of Cheers where Sammy confides with Carla and shows his real hair. Paul Simon's "still crazy" was my favourite out of the performances. The big time horns breakdown was stellar.
  15. Funny tagging of this thread btw.
  16. The show was fantastico. Barr's continue to put on a great show. Andres wasn't playing but they filled him in with another guy, a keyboardist and an awesome pedal steel banjo playing dude non-ironically named Joe Grass.
  17. or rather how FAST it was typed? Feels more direct that way and less likely booche will pounce with a Charlie Parker ref.
  18. Drake seems to be trying to get away from Canada. He's almost in Mexico!
  19. The Charlie Hunter Trio featuring Charlie (guitar, bass), Curtis Fowlkes (trombone), and Bobby Previte (drums) returned to Ottawa to play the NAC 4th Stage for the winter edition of the Ottawa Jazz Festival. One might assume a very stuffy and elegant affair because "jazz", this was a seriously groovy hour and a half that made sitting in chairs around candlelit tables very difficult for those locked in. It's also sometimes difficult to remember that this is a trio, when everything coming at the ears appears to be coming from a quartet. It's probably not inaccurate refer to them as a quartet because Charlie, in hipster formal attire ( over dress shirt, 4-inch cuffed denim and workboots), with his custom seven string guitar that features a fanned fret board that allows for multiple scales on each string. It's a bizarre concept to grasp and witnessing Charlie play leads, comps, bass runs AND vocalizing leads all at the same time, perfectly mashing (or 'mathing' ?) the scales into the right place is incredibly mesmerizing. Having seeing Charlie play as a duo previously (including a very intimate performance ), the addition of just one horn extended the range of the jams considerably. Albums like "Gentlemen, I neglected To Inform you You Will Not Be Getting Paid" combine a full horn section which fully punctuates the unmitigated talent happening on the 7 strings. Charlie Hunter is a guitar player's "sploosh". Incidentally, Charlie presents a much dirtier experience in his who should probably be reassembled for the summer time jazz fest…..in the late night tent perhaps! Since this show was the start of a tour, the band had literally just learned the songs together. There were a few moments where Charlie guided the band through hooks and melodies and he was so incredibly animated and vocal when things were on track, which was pretty much during every phrase. The looseness was evident as Charlie would just explode in joyous laughter as things just worked. Looking away or having eyes closed while taking in the live music, it was very easy to picture a bassist, standing behind Charlie, walking up and down the frets. In reality, he is covering that low end groove, completely synchronized with every single lick played with his remaining fingers. It's a fucking freak show of guitar. The trio each had their solorific moments in mostly standard jazz performance slices, but much shorter than one would expect. They always seemed to steer back and integrate into the main avenue of each tune without the focused musician veering off into some strange place and landing back with a big clear finish. That made for some moments of "do we clap for that awesome solo here?" which is never a question in standard jazz trio performances. Because the clapping would clearly interfere with the seque, and repositioning of the jam. It was much more welcome to just let things fall in place. When the trio completed their final piece, there was a ton of energy and an uproarious standing ovation which pulled them back for one more impromptu jam, a jazz standard dessert that provided the slowest and sweetest pace of the set.
  20. My issue is that FAST is very ambiguous and has alot of range in it's meanings. A more direct question is "Are the Grateful Dead danceable?" which the writer seems to be trying to skirt away from, yet let the readers assume that they are not, by suggesting that they can't play fast. Mind you, the Dead playing Chicago isn't the same Dead that he was generalizing about. So, could the Grateful Dead get people moving and dancing? Does anyone have any evidence of this anywhere?
  21. yeah, it was a funny read. I mean, solos by Garcia measured in months...funny way to describe that I hadn't read or heard before.
  22. http://www.wsj.com/articles/please-grateful-dead-dont-keep-truckin-on-1422635696 like….What?? That's the only criteria? That one word… Fast? By fast, I guess he means "Twist and Shout" fast. It's almost like he's describing a band that no one danced to ever.
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