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Everything posted by bouche

  1. Twisted Sister will take you there.
  2. The Slip thing is just rumour as much as the Rumour I've posted here about them looking into doing next years Bluesfest. We're not gonna hurt anyone but I'm still excited
  3. AND ZERO for the Block! *thumbs up* glad you asked. I'm thick in the middle of UPGRADING the site to version 2.0! Yeah. the software developers have added a bunch of features that I am dying for, and you're gonna love. One of the new features is an Articles interface so that contributers can upload photos and place them with titles inside articles. I believe that there may be PAGING for spanning an article, but we'll see. anyway, my plan was to upgrade and then my very first test would be to put up your FANTASTIC article using the interface and then document how it works so that you and others could use it. The site will likely be closed down tomorrow for a bit so I can back up the database and then install the new upgrades. I've already backed up all of the site files. *cross fingers*
  4. It's called a THONG. I think that Amanda can stick up for herself though. However, it was very kind of you to step in for the block
  5. I read 12,000 attended. Why not just put this show on at maverick's each night for 2 months instead? Geez!
  6. Hey! That's my brother you're talking about! Can I help? (not like it's needed)
  7. I'll leave the dirty jokes off of the keyboard.
  8. I saw a photo of Bob Weir with Ann Coulter in the latest relix. Now I'm trying to find it so I can post it for li'l Bobby. Anyway, this should do for now Ann Coulter loves Bob Weir ....edit to add: OMFG! here's the audio!
  9. awwwwww.... who's going to play Tooly in the Skanks Movie?
  10. oh no. I'd be getting a 'satellite ready' deck, with an input. but the iPod interface is a MUST! BTW, I just read the online manual for the Starmate, and I learned how to setup presets....FINALLY! thx!
  11. It was the only decent cheesesteak photo that I could find on Flickr. more here
  12. This is exactly what I'm looking for. It may be sooner than I think too. @Phistaper....That's some great tips. I've got to definately setup some presets for fucksakes. I don't have any setup! That's probably the issue here.
  13. I just talked to Alburger about PHilly, but fuck, BOSTON's a great city. This is all Philly has...
  14. nero on jambands.ca people are loving this! ya should have included a link in the jambase post to our thread dinklehead.
  15. Imagine a group effort to get to boston! Charter a bus like highschool days and rent a bunch of rooms!
  16. Great post. Made the paper, made amends, told someone to eat it, and likely got me and ms.hux to see The Slip!
  17. A proposed and favoured fence that mimics the one which has been in the news seperating the US and Mexico could end up on the northern US border. I do wonder if that's really a big deal. If I'm going to the states, I drive a CAR on a ROAD that takes me through some gates. Why should I give a shit if there is a fence along non-carworthy sites? What do you guys think?
  18. no way for FM. Gotta get a new deck to plug the iPod into anyway. FM is not very reliable this shit. I have an FM transmitter for the iPOD and it is a HUGE pain to get in sync. so fack it. thanks for the suggestion though
  19. I'll be sure to follow their next trip this way. Sounds like alotta fun.
  20. Ms.Hux typed that out word for fuckin' word!
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