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Everything posted by bouche

  1. I got 4 for you! how do you want to exchange them? I work on laurier in the Minto building so we could hook up during the week if there is a convenient hookup point.
  2. It's surprising that this wasn't mentioned . bus rider MURDERED This came out a day after Ottawa Police put out a statement saying "Ottawa is safe as ever" despite 3 murders in the same week. Where's my Dinghy update?
  3. I was in a Beatle's cover band at the end of highschool. That was when I acquired my Rickenbacker 360/12 as I was obsessed with Harrison. Our bass player was a good 12 years older than the rest of the band and had all of McCartney's bass models. The hofner and the rickenbacker are the only ones I recall. He was a conspiracy theorist BIG TIME and told me how the US were likely behind Lennon's death as he was supporting Cuba, against wars like Vietnam and other anti-american ideoligies. Basically, his story was the US was against Lennon. When I saw this movie's title, I knew that I had to see it. I can't wait.
  4. Passes expire on Oct.1 and valid Wed, Thursday, or Sunday only. (only good for next week obviously) I have some passes to Absolute Comedy here to giveaway to anyone in Ottawa that can post a joke.
  5. agreed! but maybe we should setup a poll here?
  6. "It's been four days and I'm still singing those songs." That's a lyric in itself! Excellent article kitkat.
  7. it's a real good one, but nothing beats this!
  8. yeah! they need to come to Ottawa soon. We haven't seen them since MARCH!
  9. Check these little previews out. Audio and video streams included! US vs. John Lennon George Harrison
  10. are you being sarcastic? no, i coulnd't see it. there was no image. it's there now though.
  11. In highschool, I discovered how great that guy was on Bass. I haven't thought of that band in ages! Off to YouTube!
  12. I found a donair at The Friendly Corner - 212 Bank street (bank & nepean) Wednesday's you get the donair and pop for $4.50 It's pretty damn good too and covers my craving.
  13. bouche

    upgrade news

    dang database error! this is what I get for installing beta!
  14. you can actually subscribe to this topic. I'm gonna try that and see what it does. I think you'll get email updates?
  15. -use the magic wand and select in your white area (i used cyan for background so I could keep the froth on the beer - it blended in with the white) -now that you have that selection, hit ctrl-shift-i to inverse the selection, then ctrl-c to copy your character. -create a new layer in the layers pallet (make sure the pallet is visible) -you create a new layer just by hitting the button in the pallet that looks like a piece of paper -make sure that layer is selected, and ctrl-p to paste -deselect the eye - icon on your original layer (that has the solid background) -then go to 'save for web' in file menu and make sure you save it as a gif with transparency.
  16. you should see it in action! download the latest digg videocast and see. you'd love it dudes!
  17. this is already better than exclaim
  18. bouche

    Vibes for Taj

    Hip Hip Hooray! He explained it to me a while ago, and it sounds pretty routine. I know that he can't wait to dance again. send him my {{{}}}}
  19. here's another example. - cropped tight - used the selection magic wand in photoshop to cut out character - placed in new layer with transparent background - saved as gif. That's the photoshop instructions. Now who is this?
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