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Everything posted by bouche

  1. Chives Vs. Kung Round 1Chives: Exclaim magazine is like that really hot girl you're'fu@k buddies' with: they're really attractive and entertaining and well put together, but the second the superficial thrill is gone, you start to remember and hate how annoying this girl's personality is. She has a whiny voice, she reads 'Adbusters,' and she likes music you can not stand. But if you're a music lover like I am...you get real horny like for reading about the art form you adore and about once a month you get an urge. Exclaim has the potential for greatness - for having a voice that could actually influence people's opinions on music - they just have to take the indie-leftist-bullshit cock out of their mouth and start speaking the truth. Kung: Well Chives my good man your demigoguery is truly reaching demigod status. I have woken up next to that selfsame chick. This is not my beautiful house. This is not my beautiful wife. So where is the David Byrne type sh!t these days? If I'm going to go in for that Art School trip I at least want Pete Townshend or David Bryne or Townshend-Byrneish type figures backing it up. I saw Bell Orchestre at the Guelph Jazz Festival and the chick in the pixie skirt (the violin chick) was real, umm distracting like, and even that Archie looking fu�ker from Arcade Fire was relatively unannoying but the whole thing was like a big meh. Like that word meh for you know just a steaming pile of turd. Thing is the french horn guy Pietro Amato is really the sh!t in Torngat and they were all good players although the drummer guy was super efete in a kind of flouncy way and had those massively tweezed eyebrows that make you sort of uncomfortable in your masculinity. He, the eyebrow drummer guy, did this kind of cutesy bit with a typewriter and you could tell he did it at every show like the between song jokes that Wynona Judd and Reba McEntire do night after night. I guess I'm saying that Exclaim! is sort of like the drummer/typewriterist from Bell Orchestre (or really any male with overly groomed eyebrows that quietly question yours and his masculinity) although I'm not quite sure how I got here. Round 2 Chives: Ouch! I'd hate to be compared to Bell Orchestre cuz I just checked out their website and they seem like the gayest sh!t I've ever seen...their bio section sent douche-bag shivers down my spine and made me want to drink tequilla from the skull of a dead hooker just to regain some of the masculinity that bullshit took away from me. Personally I have no time whatsoever for that type of pretentious bullshit...is Exclaim as bad as Bell Orchestre? Maybe, but I don't think they're quite there yet - they always manage to pull at lesat one good review or story out of their ass, though they do seem to celebrate really gay sh!t. So maybe the two aren't all that far off from one another. Bell Orchestre...ha ha ha...god that is some gay sh!t. Kung: We should be clear that we don't mean gay in a Brokeback Mountain ( ed. yes that is exactly what we mean - the old spit on the finger )sort of way or a hateful sort of way. Hidden Cameras are for instance (largely) gay and 'gay' in the Eminem sense of the word. Gentleman Reg is very very gay. I saw him guest with Final Fantasy at Hillside and they did that Tom Tom Club song that everybody knows as a Mariah Carey song. He was sort of lollygagging his foot and you know singing a Mariah Carey song. I told him afterward "Reg I hope you don't take this the wrong way but that was possibly the GAYEST thing I've ever seen". He smiled genuinely but you always kind of wonder if he's imagining you naked. But yes yes Exclaim! They are not so gay as Reg indeed. I think we both probably agree that they are even occasionally "illin'". You dug that fu�k The Facts feature right Chives? And that Massari guy you're down with him too (you want to talk eyebrows). Across the board it's pretty fu�king tight- alls we're saying is where is the brown? Let's take this to brown town. DecisionKung throws in the towel. Chives WINS
  2. yeah, it's broken at the moment. I think it's probably db related, but I haven't found the solution yet.
  3. bouche

    Planet Earth

    we saw the Desert one last night. simply amazing. 1/3 of the earth is desert? I didn't realize that! anyway, looks like that was the end of the 5 part run. I'm going to miss it.
  4. I heard that Freak By Night got backstage passes for tonight! I can't wait to find out how that works out!
  5. bouche

    Planet Earth

    we just saw the caves one. that was intense.
  6. it's only open to Americans. booo!
  7. bouche

    Planet Earth

    Planet Earth is a followup BBC presentation to Blue Planet. It covers the most remarkable things on our planet in High Def (if you got HDTV). Every episode has us freaked out. Earth kicks ASS! http://www.cbc.ca/documentaries/planetearth.html
  8. Marijuana doesn't need to be researched. Everyone already knows what it does, and how to grow it. It's a goddamn plant for crikey-sakes. just decriminilize it and move on.
  9. I knew that there was a reason I wanted to go to Toys R Us.
  10. bouche

    G 'N' R in Ottawa

    Axl doensn't deserve your money.
  11. Yep its me. I've had a handful of 5.9%r's so I'm gonna transfer to my pc' date=' encode a copy down tonight & get the upload during the day tomorrow. I'll post a link for sure. Also, PM me a mailing address & I'll send you a DVD version. That'll be about a week (or less) before its done though.[/quote'] atta boy!
  12. definately cool. mind you, something that actually is on the market would be even cooler. I want one of these! RC Plane for only 30 bucks
  13. bouche

    The Mad Dash

    here's one that Ollie reminded me of as well... PITFALL! Check out the host.
  14. bouche

    The Mad Dash

    If you are at least 30 years old, and a Canadian, you must remember this show. The Mad Dash 2 words: Pierre Lalonde!
  15. Hey, congrats to setting that up Dave! Now the next step is to setup a shuttle bus! hey DINGHY!! Got any ideas?
  16. bouche

    the foodeeze blog

    I have jumped into the beta of Blogger's latest version to revitilize Foodeeze.com. I am trying to get the hang of the new interface and layouts and I would like to invite all of you foodies to contribute your recipes and links there. I will eventually change the actual domain to foodeeze.com soon and transfer all of the posts on the first attempt to the new site. Please PM me if you would like to contribute. We are going to all have to follow a similar template in order to make things easy to read. Also share any links that point to RSS feeds for food sites that you like, and I'll add them to the page. check it out here
  17. opera house sounds like serious fun. you guys are makin' me jealous. Mind you, BnB for NYE at Mav's in O-town is at the top of the heap.
  18. i added it a while ago on my own on account-a it being a good disc. have you heard it? anyway, it's time for change. post a some suggestions and I'll switch it up.
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