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Posts posted by bouche

  1. It wasn't reallys sold out. It just appears that way. When people cancel their orders, or wait too long to fill out the payment form, the tix are released. You just have to do another search or two for 1 ticket.

    If it says it can't find any, do it again, eventually a ticket will popup.

  2. There's giggles. Broke away from being a jedi for a while eh?

    Marco's already left, and I think they are gonna go check them out. They are just looking for something to do, and my suggestion of Danse Contact didn't go over well with his wife.

  3. Have a great show in Kingston!!!!!!!

    I've seen greg the bunny, and I found it quite funny.

    The Count Blah kills me. They tried to 'MTV-ify' the show, and told the Count that he was now known as Count A'ight. So instead of saying "Blah" all the time, he had to say "A'ight" but he just couldn't do it.

    He kept getting all flustered and saying Blah all the time.

    It only makes sense if you've seen this.

  4. Hey Blane or any one else from montreal...

    A friend of mine is going to Montreal tonight with his wife and they asked me what they should do.

    I suggested Parkside Jones for tonight. Has anyone seen them? they sound purty funky to me.

    What should they do tomorrow? Any wicked places to suggest?

  5. Good Mornin!

    Why are you so lucky to be at home with a talking microwave?

    If you are keeping it, maybe I can donate 3 packs of Orville Reddenbutter's popcorn that I bought a while ago, only to discover that I don't own a microwave, and there wasn't an oven method printed on the package.

  6. Quick tax was 30 bucks. You can file 5 returns with it. So you can split it 5 ways.

    30/5=6 bucks!

    E-filing from there is free as far as I know.

    I'm doing mine, h is doing hers, and that leaves 3 returns that can be done with it after....I guess.

    I don't know how it keeps track of the usage count. If it's not phoning home with the internet, then it would be unlimited.

  7. I see. I forgot about Wackomole's planned orgy. I think he read some article on "how to improve your sex life" and it suggested inviting a bunch of girls over for a "private party" and then he brings out the scented oils. So "letting the cat out of the bag" means a little more than you'd expect.

  8. If you're talking 4/20, you'd better be there!

    I didn't even know the Punk was showing up in K-town, but after we were suprised by him, everyone was asking....where's LJFH?

    Don't miss his caravan ever, that is, if you want to have some fun.

  9. Hey Sloth.

    Can I get that disc off of you this weekend?


    PS, did you have any problems loading a certain level in Jedi Knight? I guess a few people are getting a Spawnentities:Noentities error loading one of the later levels.

    It's so bad that they have to use the level skip cheat to continue.

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