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Posts posted by bouche

  1. I didn't know that you were a starwars fan Doggie.

    I'll try and remember to get you one though.

    Thanks Sloth. I guess it really doesn't matter when I get it. I don't think I should be playing anything else until I've finished Jedi. What a tough game. That ns_streets map was frikken HUGE!

    I felt like Tiny E.

  2. I would get everybody I know to sign up for a "secret" party.

    the party would consist of your choice of buzz material, and then we'd all go for a trip up into space. It's only about a million/person for a ride up into zero-G.

    Oh ya, and Phish would be invited.

  3. There were quite a few problems with the forum in the last couple of days. I could tell there was a space problem, so I started deleting some old files.

    However, the problem kept coming back.

    I called my ISP and asked the admin to check out the space on the drives and sho'nuff a bunch of space was being hijacked.

    Everything should stay alive now.

  4. the D'OH signal was pretty blatant, wasn't it?

    I also noticed that Homer used 2 signature lines to sign his name on the reefer-endum. He also made his O's into little peace symbols.

    I want the Homer stoned poster for my desktop wallpaper.

    So, did anyone call what show the Antelope was from?

  5. I'll bet most people were baked. I'll also bet that everyone got a laugh when homer said that the stuff makes everything funny. Made me think that the stuff was making the Simpsons funny.

    i loved how they drew his pupils.

    Not overly big....just right.

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