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Posts posted by bouche

  1. geezus...did they EVER hype it up.

    They said "now with the the breakup with BNB, Nero will certainly fill the void"

    They told their listening audience that they shant miss the scherzo's show, and that they should truck it up to Ottawa for the 31st.

    can't wait for the interview! It'd be great if they could do it live, and we could phone in and talk on wednesday.

  2. sorry...I was out for some chinese food

    I've got my car at the shop for an oil change/tire rotation, and having them look at a tie-rod.

    HOpefully that won't hold me back. I would most likely have treyter by 5:30 and we could just go to the store before-hand and then pick ms. hux up after that.

    mail me a phone number to reach you as we're coming in....I have no idea where you live.


    We're talking about getting some food right near andre's too.

  3. this is just INSANE! This was the first chance I got to read anything, and I had to read 2 full pages since yesterday afternoon!

    Velvet, I suggest that you bring the tags, if you can, anyway. There may be a few that need something.

    I am so happy that people out west and in TO are actually JEALOUS! hahah! It's about time eh? grin.gif" border="0

    Thanks Backbacon for the poster!

    It pops-up off of clicking the crappy banner I made in 2 minutes.

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