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Posts posted by bouche

  1. We used to play a neighbourhood-wide game of Man-hunt.

    2 teams and the boundries were set. Some yards were off limits, as some people would give us shit. There was a lot of fence jumping.

    Both teams had a "prison" and when you caught someone, you had to bring them back to the prison. Some games, they could be rescued. Some games all you had to do was tag the guy and he's caught. In other one's you had to tackle the guy.

    No one could catch me.

  2. I guess I'd have to attach another funny note to the garlicidents.

    The cabby telling us all in his cab that we all reak of garlic pretty much makes me laugh.

    Then again, one of the funniest images in my head is back at Velvets, drunken me and a giggles screwing around with a drunken "New Speedway Boogie", and Velvet joined in with a Didgereedoo. That was priceless.

  3. That does sound like fun. The only thing I have to watch is some crappy band called Phish playing in Prague.

    I may have to hit morpheu/kazaa tonight myself and try and get a few episodes of something. I don't normally use my PC for watching shows, but this is starting to sound like fun.

    I wouldn't mind sampling the ozzy show. Any jackass episode with Johnny Knoxville is worth watching.

    Here's a list of episodes:



  4. Thank you Nero, Jomomma, Velvet, Brad and the Merry Flyersters.

    Shane did a fantastic job with the grab bag. There was nothing like a funky jam to accompany Shane's drawing.

    Jay almost had me piss my pants when he came to the mic and wished everyone a Happy 420. That was a priceless moment.

    I think Dave had a smile from ear-to-ear all night on stage which was passed on to everyone in the room.

    The visuals were incredible all as well, so I found myself running around with a camera more than I had planned to.

    Jomomma guys....don't forget to use those funky names you came up with and get on the forums.

  5. hey fatso. You're quite welcome. Aside from you knocking over a glass, and farting, you were a joy to share the apartment with.

    However, I still don't understand why you are obsessed with the hallway door. You know that you aren't supposed to go out into the hallway, yet when Lynn and Andre aren't home, you think that you can trick me into letting you run around the halls. I do know the rules, so you may as well just stop playing those meowing mind games with me.

  6. TLEO? Sweeeet!

    I cannot wait to hear these Comfort Zone recordings. Who's gonna upload it to me so I can throw them up for all?

    That looked like a highly fun night. It's too bad that physics won't allow me to be at 2 places at once. Is there a time machine yet?

    The shakedown tease from a few weeks ago turned into Shakedown MADNESS last night in Ottawa. The recordings from neromomma are hot!

  7. Hey Burt.

    I think I've posted 3 times directly to you concerning your avatarlessness and that you should email me.

    I've tried emailing you at your hotmail account that's listed in your profile, but you are out of storage space and the mail won't go through.

    Zap me a letter...


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