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Posts posted by bouche

  1. Well, it looks like H has just jumped in my brain again. I already planned on setting up band forums, but I wasn't sure how to present them. It is a good time to create a BNB forum here, and I definately want to create a nero one as well.

    If you want to moderate it MarcO (which basically means that you can manage all the postings) I will create it right away. I can actually customize the look and feel of it too, so we can discuss that. For instance, custom header graphics, color scheme, etc. Being that H offered my services up, I think that I will offer hers. H's assignment will be to make the graphics for the BNB forum. I'll lend her access to my archive of photographs and I won't charge her Corbin prices (that may be an inside joke).

    I may even be able to figure out how to make custom user status as well so members won't be known as little/big phishy's in that one.

    How's that sound?

  2. Giggles, if I'm ever watching rock and roll Jeopardy, the category has something to do with guitarists, drug addicts, death, or whatever, I will always yell Garcia.

    I had a really crazy one last winter. I woke up in the morning and remember a very vivid dream about a car accident. It was at night on a stretch of narrow highway, with lights flashing, etc. I drove through it slowly, and saw a transport and a vehicle smashed up, flares, the whole scene.

    That night, I was headed for Kingston, and remembered the dream again. I thought about how strangly real that it had seemed. Sure enough, on Highway 15, near Joyceville, I happened upon the EXACT image that was in my head from my dream. I received a HUGE chill and trembled for a minute, but it wasn't long before I felt good about that experience. I'm always ready for that fleeting moment of the paranormal, or whatever and will accept it if I see it. That is about as close as I have ever come to such things.

  3. There is a huge discussion email list that I somehow became a member of. I still get the goddamn emails and can't stop them. Well, some are pretty funny, but it's called Agent Stardog, and alot of the messages are about Phish's alignment with the cosmos, and also mind control experiments like the one performed at the Loring Air Force Base in Maine. Some of you were there eh? Apparantly, there is a huge underground facility there that houses some major mind control experiments.

    Mind control can also come in the form of sound waves. Take 2 notes running at 440hz (A) and then offset one of them by from 14-30 hz (one note is played at 426hz for instance) and then slowly bring the offset closer together.

    By the time one note is played at 436hz, and the other at 440hz, you're brain actually interprets the signal to actually BE 4hz. 4HZ is the frequency your brain cycles at when you are in deep sleep or, a hypnotic state which would make you highly suceptable to suggestion. Ever hear

    or feel any wierd vibrations at a Phish show?

    Sound is a very powerful thing.

  4. My Sweet George

    I remember in Grade 10, getting my first electric guitar and learning. Everything I was learning, and learned was through the Beatles. George was my favorite of the four, and I tried to learn everything that he played. I remember first trying to learn the Get Back solos. I remember wondering how the hell George did that, yet after a lot of effort, I eventually learned it. Then, a couple of years later, I found out it was Lennon who played those parts.

    Well, I learned a lot of George over the years, I was even part of a Beatles Cover band called the Beatless that played at the British Pavilion every year for Kingston's Folklore. What position was I in that band? I played the George position. I even went as far as buying a 12 Rickenbacker reissue of the Harrison model to play all of those tunes that required it. Ticket to Ride, Hard Days Night (G7Sus4), You can't do that, etc...

    Anyway, George was a major early influence on me musically, and I will never forget that. I always recommend to folks just learning guitar, to listen and learn the Beatles, the fundamentals are all there, and it's FUN.

    Hari Krishna George!


    - George wrote this for John when he passed on, I can't wait to see what Paul writes for George.

    They've forgotten all about God

    He's the only reason we exist

    Yet you were the one that they said was

    so weird

    All those years ago

    You said it all though not many had ears

    All those years ago

    You had control of our smiles and our tears

    All those years ago

    - All Those Years Ago

    George Harrison


  5. I don't understand this quote from Trey...

    "I've met Bob Weir a couple of times, played music with him and been influenced by him all though high school years and college and beyond, obviously," Anastasio says. "He played with Phish in San Francisco at the Shoreline Amphitheater, in the last six months before our break."

    Wasn't it the second last show, in other words, the night before their break? What else went on after that?

  6. depends on the file you've made. If you made mp3's, you should be able to just create a music cd project in 'nero burning rom', and and drag the mp3's in there. I think it converts them automatically to wav format on the fly, but I'm not too sure. If not, you'd have to convert them to wav's using winamp.

  7. Oh, and here I thought he was talking about blow-outs and rattles and confetti.

    I tried getting the C & D to go but it's a no-can-do. Same with the L & A.

    BRAD M! What are you doing staying in Ottawa? Get on the bus man!

    There is a lot of people reading this right now that aren't even posting. You guys need to get involved in this too. Just remember, that it's only a couple of freakin awesome days that you'll get to spend with the face-less (well not so faceless now with the avatars) folks here on the board.

  8. Concerning Jack Black's role in Shallow Hal...

    "I was terrified by the prospect of meeting Gwyneth Paltrow, let alone playing her love interest. "

    "I was afraid she'd want to date me after our film, like she did with Brad Pitt after they did Seven," he jokes conceding, "then I looked at her choice in men: Brad Pitt, Ben Affleck, Luke Wilson. They all have a studliness factor I lack."

  9. What a crazy topic this has become.

    [sung by Smurfs in unison]

    La la la-la la la,

    Sing a happy song.

    La la la-la la la,

    Smurf your whole day long.


    La la la-la la la

    [Papa Smurf speaks]

    Smurf along with me!


    La la la-la la la

    [Papa Smurf speaks]

    Simple as can be.

    [sung by Smurfs in unison]

    Next time you're feeling blue just let a smile begin,

    Happy things will come to you...

    [smurfette speaks]

    So smurf yourself a grin!

    [Ominous Gargamel music]

    [Gargamel speaks]

    Oooooo I hate Smurfs!

    [Azrael meows]

    [Gargamel speaks]

    I'll get you, I'll get all of you if it's the last thing I ever do! hehehehe!

    [sung by Smurfs in unison]

    La la la-la la la,

    Now you know the tune,

    [Harmony Smurf plays the "la la la-la la la" tune (barely) on his off key trumpet]

    [sung by Smurfs in unison, accentuated for finale]

    You'll be Smurfing soon!

  10. Sorry catphish, even WE can't figure that out for you.

    Wasn't Treyter involved in a pizza ordering quote?

    "Who want's green peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes..."

    Treyter"No salad on my Pizza! If I wanted a salad, I'd've ordered a salad!"

    (loosely remembered of course)

  11. Welcome 2002 into your life with nero and Grand Theft Bus in Fredericton, NB. Get yourself a seat on a fully loaded Greyhound coach that will take you to Fredericton and back. Not only that, accomodations will be included in the final price. If you are interested, follow this link - http://www.phishsanctuary.com/events/newyears2002/newyears2002.asp and fill out the form.

    Email ottawajams@hotmail.com



    if you have any questions.

  12. I didn't realize that it would be that difficult. 500/16000 is about a 1 in 32 chance. That's not so bad though. You just need 32 people to try for you to guarantee a ticket, but that's assuming that the laws of probability are correct.

    I would hope that the actual mail order number you have is not an accurate indication of how many people are involved.

  13. I found this a bit humorous in their audio files archive...


    4-Track Version of "12 Golden Country Greats

    For those of you who were wondering what this record sounded like before it went to Nashville, here's the uncontaminated version. This tape was sent to Charlie McCoy and he subsequently wrote the arrangements for the record based on this music. those of you who hate this record, you can suck my dick. instruments by Gene and Dean

  14. BADA-BING!

    Yo Giggles. I could HEAR you screaming that post at me. hahahah!

    I was just pointing out the rules for credibility. Don't you watch Law and Order?

    I don't, anymore, but I learned a lot from Lenny back in the day. Sure, Lenny wasn't one of the lawyers, but he sure knew how to throw out an insult.

    rolleyes.gif" border="0

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