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Posts posted by bouche

  1. i stopped watching music awards shows years ago. They really aren't handing out awards for music, but for business and successful marketing of crap.

    I checked the tv at 10 last night to see if anything was on that could make me laugh (I was laughing hystarically at The Bernie Mac Show....if you haven't seen it WATCH IT...especially if you have kids)

    Anyway, I caught MJ and his brothers performing a few Jackson favorites. It was pretty interesting to see. I may have laughed it off years ago, but I'd rather watch them than N-synch crap.

    He is a wierd looking guy until he starts dancing and doing moves. Then he isn't so wierd looking anymore.

  2. When is the last time you formatted your hard drive and started clean?

    I would just do that.

    However, in order to do that I would make sure I have all my personal files backed up, like any resumes, etc.

    Make sure you know what version of outlook express you are using too, and then you can actually export your inbox, and all of your email settings to put back into outlook express when it's newly installed. It's nice to know what version you're coming from because you have to know that when it's time to bring it all back in.

    You can also save all of your favorite links too from C:\windows\favorites and copy that directory overtop the empty one after a new install.

    Make sure you have all of your hardware driver discs and all of your internet settings available as well.

    Basically, if you have all of the things you need to make your computer work again from a fresh install, it's a very good way to go. You're computer would run pretty damn smooth again. You should do that at least once or twice a year, just like going to the dentist.


  3. Hey p.p. ! Great shit man. The last time I was in NYC, I went to the Conan show too. It was only his 2nd year I think. When Paul and I tried to get tickets they said that they had tons. They usually had to pull people off of the street to fill the audience.

    It was funny, because we ended up going to it 2 nights in a row, and his warm-up-the-audience routine was identicle both nights. I think he sang some elvis in there too.

    Glad you enjoyed the show too. That was a very nice way to spend NYE.

    PS...thanks for posting from NYC. I think I'm going to have to create a map with all of the cities highlighted from where people go to and then find a computer and post. I can't wait to get all of Brad M's on the map too.

  4. I just hope they don't destroy any of those episodes with more "Simpson Family saves the day" crap. I'm really getting tired of their "adventures". It's even more tiring watching them justify the lame adventures by poking fun at their own adventurized episodes.

    Marge: "We've been through 231 different adventures together"


  5. Nice. Sounds dangerous though, having your birthday announced to a bunch of drunken fisherman.

    Carol of Bells, that's what it's called. H was telling me how much she loved that at Babylon for the christmas bash, but I couldn't come up with what it was called.

    Thanks for the logs, captain.

  6. One rental car went! Yippee!

    I wasn't in it. Apparantly I didn't smell very good and there was a coin toss involved and the loser had to sit beside me. Well, my dignity wasn't going to be lost in a coin toss so I just said screw the shower, and stayed in Ontario.

  7. Worst of the year is always followed by the best.

    A drunken Andre thought he was outsmarttin ya I'd bet.

    Worst of 2001 is pretty tough. I've heard alot of crappy stuff and I wasn't even trying to hear it. Somehow it got blasted into my brain this year.

    "If I go crazy will you still call me Superman"

    ...is one of my all-time pet peeves that came from this year, and is a prime example of everything that sucked for the year. I don't even have enough respect to even try and find out who and the hell did that.

    Best of 2001 in movies for me... Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back....but that's another thread.

    Worst of the year is always followed by the best.

    A drunken Andre thought he was outsmarttin ya I'd bet.

    Worst of 2001 is pretty tough. I've heard alot of crappy stuff and I wasn't even trying to hear it. Somehow it got blasted into my brain this year.

    "If I go crazy will you still call me Superman"

    ...is one of my all-time pet peeves that came from this year, and is a prime example of everything that sucked for the year. I don't even have enough respect to even try and find out who and the hell did that.

    Best of 2001 in movies for me... Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back....but that's another thread.

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