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Posts posted by bouche

  1. I watch nothing BUT Jon Stewart show. That has got to be the funniest guy on TV. He should have an hour, so he could spend more time with his guest, and maybe have another.

    Bullard made me laugh pretty hard one night when he had Vanessa Kay (from the man show) on and she did this stripper dance on his desk. Bullard had the dirtiest posture and look going that I have ever seen on tv.

    He even told her that they had to reshoot it, because they didn't catch it.

  2. This almost reads like a generalization the inevitably can be taken as racist.

    "Don't just play with other white college kids your own age. The clueless playing with the clueless will only add up to massive cluelessness."

    A bittersweet letter indeed. It's true that people can take music for granted, but I don't think it is received that way when people are paying a tribute to a great musician, or simply ENJOY jamming out something that they love and other people love.

  3. Let's not forget this...

    This Note's for you

    Don't want no cash

    Don't need no money

    Ain't got no stash

    This note's for you.

    Ain't singin' for Pepsi

    Ain't singin' for Coke

    I don't sing for nobody

    Makes me look like a joke

    This note's for you.

    Ain't singin' for Miller

    Don't sing for Bud

    I won't sing for politicians

    Ain't singin' for Spuds

    This note's for you.

    Don't need no cash

    Don't want no money

    Ain't got no stash

    This note's for you.

    I've got the real thing

    I got the real thing, baby

    I got the real thing

    Yeah, alright.

  4. I just found these lyrics a tad bizzare.


    I know I said I love you

    I know you know it's true

    I've got to put the phone down

    And do what we gotta do

    One's standing in the aisle way

    Two more at the door

    We've got to get inside there

    Before they kill some more

    Time is running out

    Let's roll

    Time is running out

    Let's roll

    No time for indecision

    We've got to make a move

    I hope that we're forgiven

    For what we gotta do

    How this all got started

    I will never understand

    I hope someone can fly this thing

    And get us back to land

  5. When's the last time you made the trip, and it only took you the 2 DVD's, View From the Vault and View From the Vault II to get you there?

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  6. He doesn't think. I think he forgets that I can create a BRAD feature on the site, and also make sure alot of nasty sites link to it. Pictures included. Did you not know that I've learned how to do some amazing things with photographs? Almost magic really. I can't wait to see what I come up with now. Hey Andre, can you send me a picture or 2 of Brad's head? I have a couple, but it would take me a while to find them.

  7. I have a problem with the power. First of all, I'd doubt that they could provide the voltage necessary to power the discman, nor would they have enough AA batteries. I'll just assume that they've created a bridge between their unlimited quantum power source and our archaic electronics.

    Beatles: Abbey road

    Phish: Billy Breathes

    Grateful Dead: Live Dead (I'd have to loot it off of Andre's corpse though)

    Lenny Breau: Five O'Clock Bells/Mo' Breau

    Garcia/Grisman: Pizza Tapes

    It's damn hard to think too far back. I was sitting here trying to imagine the lp's that I have boxed away.

  8. I found them to be quite the cheesy recordings. I know that is a broad term, but that is the simplest way I can describe it. I wouldn't feel very good playing it in my car, and would be embarrassed if anyone heard me playing it.

    One of them has parts in it that sounds an awful lot like the grooves in 2001. I'm not saying that that is cheesy though.

  9. Monkey's also felch.

    In case you're like me and don't know this term....

    What is "felch": Well, it is a rather disturbing act involving an anal cavity and a straw. Best decribed by my friend Bushy as, "Putting the cream in the donut and then sucking it back out with a straw" where the donut would be the anal cavity and the cream is "the cream."

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