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Posts posted by bouche

  1. 5 hours ago, phorbesie said:

    in recent years this board has struggled as many folks dropped off, but Brad kept at it, and probably accounted for half the posts on here! I think the rest of us are going to need to step it up now if we want it to continue. So let's all try to post more often about shows we're going to, music we're listening to, stuff we're doing, and share more stories, photos, and thoughts.

    Thanks for the Call to Action.  You certainly bring this reality to context in that tumbleweeds will start rolling by without BradM's contributions.   As quiet as things have been, BradM always kept the pulse alive.  I treasure the recorded history here and is incredibly wonderful to be able to revisit and reminisce through old threads.

    My suggestion when talking to people is that when the urge strikes to post on facebook or twitter, remember this place and the anonymity that comes with it.

  2. bradm.gif

    This avatar is legendary and needs to be retired.   

    One of the greatest things about this forum is that I met BradM through this forum . His history here, dates all the way back to 8/28/2001.   His 23,000ish posts paint a great picture of who he was, and cover an incredible amount of shared musical experiences.   Some of his year-end posts would highlight all of the wonderful events he had attended (and recorded) that year.  

    Many of his postings were either a solid "head's up" for an upcoming show, and generally followed by a download link to a recording that he made so everyone could either hear or revisit the same great things he was often experiencing.  The time and effort he put in to his archive.org contributions is pretty astounding.

    BradM always helped drive this forum. There will be a big whole left behind from this event.

    Back to the avatar.  BradM chose this avatar on that day in 2001, along with his username,  stylized capitalization within 'BradM', and eternally signed-off posts with a consistent "Aloha, Brad".  This was his persona here, and it never wavered during all this time.  Addressing him as 'BradM' ILR always felt natural.  

    I will forever identify him through this avatar.

  3. On 10/20/2017 at 3:41 PM, c-towns said:

    So,  what is this doing to the common user who still torrents shows and such? I have read all of these articles and can't seem to grasp whats going on. Malware is using my CPU to mine bitcoins, is it causing my computer to work harder therefore using more power?

    That would be part of the concern.  "Why is my computer acting so sluggish?  I'm just running the browser."  Then you find out some sneaky script is mining bitcoins using up resources.

    There's also no way to know what else is hiding in code like that.  Could it also eventually be capturing keystrokes, and sending personal data?  Hey maybe they'll also evolve to use your file system to dump some files and share nasty shit with your internet connection.

  4. 16 minutes ago, Esau. said:

    I remember being in Kingston to visit a friend going to St. Lawrence, and we missed a Hip show in a bar, mid nineties (thinking 94/95). My first thought was the Toucan, but that place was pretty tight - saw Fat Cats there. Memory is cloudy regarding bar names, Wellington perhaps?

    I'm recalling a pub along one of the side streets of Princess st.  It may have been the wellington.  or whatever the Scherzo pub (long gone) was previously.

  5. I made it to one local impromptu gig at a pub in kingston but only caught the tail-end.    

    I still remember the cheap promotional posters around our highschool promoting The Tragically Hip for one of our dances.  The one cover that is still fresh in my mind was their cover of "Money" which I knew as a Beatles song.

    I volunteered to work at Another Roadside Attraction in kingston at richardson stadium in 1993.  I was assigned to mind the artist gate and had to verify credentials.  Gord came to the gate to enter and I acted like I had no idea who he was. 

    "I'm in the band. I'm playing." 

    I asked for credentials and said I couldn't let him in without proof.

    Then I laughed, he laughed.  Chatted briefly and I asked for a smoke.  He gave me one but didn't have a lighter.  He then tore off to the stage at the center of the field.  5 minutes later, I noticed him running back my way.  He returned to light the smoke with a lighter that he'd borrowed.

    Swell guy.


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