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Everything posted by shainhouse

  1. Hope ya'll enjoy our sarcastic panderings. If you've never heard of DiS, it's pretty much what I do nowadays, as I work for them quite a bit. http://www.drownedinsound.com/articles/2061026 best, shain www.shainhouse.com
  2. nice. I don't think Bluenote releases jazz anymore, so this is a welcome treat. I hardly call "The Bird and the Bee" and a jazz album. It's good though.
  3. @ The Supermarket.. starts at 9PM Kae Sun, Grand Theft Bus, Mardeen, JF Robitaille fun fun fun
  4. I live in Amsterdam. I could think of many, many reasons why. 1. I don't do drugs. seriously. I quit. Seriously. 2. The architecture is inspiring to say the least 3. laid back, cosmopolitan lifestyle. Life is quiet, still and very, very slow. 4. close proximity to the rest of Europe. 5. near water all the time. 6. dutch girls are hot
  5. I am well, but jetlagged. Was in Barcelona covering Primavera Sound and am now in Toronto for the crazy waste of time that is NXNE. back in Holland on TUES to resume some semblance of real life, even though I am moving house and home in town on WED. but all is peachy of course. Kae Sun w/WTTS is tomorrow, as I always love.
  6. I don't miss Lazlo. He's a dick
  7. got my tix for amsterdam
  8. I hate them usually, but since they are CANADIAN, I will cheer for them, while watching streaming highlights from my comp here in amsterdam. I hope all you o-towners are enjoying the hoopla.
  9. I had no idea you lived in Rio We gotta get back!!
  10. Hiya, If you could live anywhere, anywhere without having to worry about finances, immigration and all that stuff, where would it be? For me, I think I've found a home in Amsterdam. I love it here and really feel the warmth of home. That or San Sabastian, Spain or Northern Portugal. I've yet to go to Asia or Africa, so that may change.
  11. curry it is... I will do it the way MOBE says, essentially adding the chicken last minute.. I'm gonna use Kafir Lime leaves, ginger, lemongrass, thai red curry paste, coconut milk, a little ghee and lots of veggies. It's rich stuff.
  12. I'm doing a dinner party tomorrow; not sure on the main course. Would do the trout with herbs, lemon, garlic - or an authentic Thai red curry with coconut milk and Chicken breasts... Veggies like me will get Daal, Black Eyes Pea gumbo and salad.. yum! you're all invited
  13. The fourth annual Jam in the Dam festival has added The Disco Biscuits, Perpetual Groove and Dark Star Orchestra to the lineup. These groups were chosen by fans via an online Jam in the Dam poll and will join previously confirmed artists Umphrey's McGee, Tea Leaf Green and Lotus. The 2008 Jam in the Dam has also added a day as it expands into a four day event which will now run from March 16 - 19 at Melkweg. http://www.jambase.com/headsup.asp?storyID=10477
  14. I want my funeral to be a party.. a celebration.. with music. Dave, my condolances for your loss mate.
  15. Howdy, I am writing my MA thesis about the growth of a distinct airport culture, and its affect on the consumer in relation to how we communicate with the space, the ads, the wait and the security. Anywho, I'm writing a chapter about 'experience,' in a very theoretical way, and if anyone is interested, can you answer these questions and leave your full name, hometown and age for my research. You can PM me them if you want, but everything is confidential and I'll send over a copy of the paper/chapter when its done in July. Thanks, Shain 1. How often do you travel per month? Per year? (airports only) 2. What are the two most annoying things about airports? 3. What are the two most positive things about airports, other than the fact that they are transport hubs. 4. Tell me in a sentence or two how you feel about security. How do you feel taking your shoes off, for example? 5. How do you feel going through immigration? Does it change at home and away? What are the emotions going through your head when the immigration official checks your documents? 6. How do you feel shopping at the airport as a means to pass time? Tell me your thoughts about shopping in airports. 7. Do you feel institutionalized in airports, which means that you are they to follow external orders and nothing else? Why or why not? Please include name, hometown and age as well. Much love.
  16. I love the folks at Secret City.. well, the 3 of them Miracle Fortress is a great record.
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