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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. LOL ... Deadheads are going to put Obama over the top!! http://www.phillyturkey.com/Arts&Entertainment/090908.asp
  2. Stabilized Bigfoot: and stabilized JFK assassination: http://blogfiles.wfmu.org/KF/0512/zapruder_-_stable.mov
  3. I may know somebody here at work who would be interested. Let me know if they are still available. Cheers. Forget it, she can't make it now
  4. Hey Chameleon, I read your post with interest yesterday. I used to live in that riding and my Mom still does. She threw her support behind Chow during the last elections. My Mom is much more a Liberal in her voting past, but she couldn't stand the incumbent Liberal back-bencher Tony Ianno who had done sweet dick all in Ottawa for 4 terms. Interesting note, the current Liberal running in your riding is Christine Innes. You know who she is?? Tony Ianno's wife
  5. Tons of shit out there today. Richard Cohen's thoughts on McCain: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/15/AR2008091502406.html?referrer=digg
  6. still celebrating? Happy belated. Hope it was a great one.
  7. The McCain Lie Counter http://www.mccainpedia.org/index.php/Count_the_Lies
  8. More tripe spewing forth from Mr. McCain: As Wall Street collapses, McCain declares that ‘the fundamentals of our economy are strong.’» http://thinkprogress.org/2008/09/15/as-wall-street-collapses-mccain-declares-that-the-funamentals-of-our-economy-are-strong/ Speaking in Florida this morning — the very day that two of Wall Street’s major banking institutions collapsed — Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) declared he “still†believes “the fundamentals of our economy are strong.†Watch it: Though McCain noted that “these are very, very difficult times,†he seemed oblivious to today’s evidence of the crumbling foundations of the economy, with the Dow Jones industrial average dropping 300 points in the first 15 minutes of trading this morning. Yesterday, former Fed chief Alan Greenspan said this economy is the worst he has ever seen. (HT: Ben Smith) and Joe Biden's response (i can't wait until the VP debates to watch him dismantle Palin ):
  9. Just tell him you'll be hangin' tough that night and can't make it Seriously, just be honest with them. Thank them for the offer, but tell them the tix should really get in the hands of a TRUE FAN of the band. Maybe suggest that if they don't know of anyone, that you may have a friend or something that would love 'em. Trust me SP, you've got an unbelievable amount of good ticket karma on your side for all that you do. Cheers
  10. http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2008/09/15/bess/print.html
  11. Yup, there have been rumblings on the emule list for a little while now. The writing was on the wall so to speak. I have no idea if this is a mutual agreement, or the boot. Warren's wife let it slip out yesterday (or was it this morning) that Hess was gone and a new player would be in. That was on her Sirius radio show. Hey, maybe Hess can go back to the Crowes! That'd be ok. Let's just wait and see what the Swede has to offer.
  12. http://incaroads-wvkayaker.blogspot.com/2008/07/blue-rodeo-daze-in-america-recorded.html
  13. Listen to it here: https://www.getdropbox.com/browse2#/Public/Los%20Lobos%20-%20Wolf%20Tracks_The%20Best%20Of%20Los%20Lobos%20%282006%29%20-%20Rock%20%5Bwww.under9round.org%5D/
  14. http://torrentfreak.com/metallica-interview-canceled-after-pirate-bay-row-080914/
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