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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. WOOOOOHOOOOO ! Can v Rus for the GOLD in Quebec City on Sunday havinbeers
  2. boom boom now it's 4 - 3 GO CAN GO
  3. ^^^^ Panic virgin! I'll buy ya a beer
  4. woohooo.. just got home and got to see Canada take the lead 3 - 2
  5. Yup, i've got a couple of TVs. However, there isn't one in the living room ... i like it that way. Same thing for the bedroom. We have one, but it rarely gets watched (not hooked up to cable/sat). There are better things to do in the bedroom than watch TV !!!
  6. Too funny: From digg It's hard to believe a Google Street View van elicits this kind of rock groupie reaction! http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&geocode=&layer=c&ie=UTF8&cbll=41.547412,-87.642495&panoid=6WQU2RGVaPYdF6ai7m-Jpw&cbp=1,345.89688889785936,,2,13.222784903473748&ll=41.551001,-87.641673&spn=0.007146,0.014591&z=16
  7. Yes, and they slip through that logic. They have always had a "cap" in their user agreement, but they didn't enforce it. They don't cut off ALL torrent protocol traffic either. They still let you do it, but at unbearable rates. They are slimey. Why didn't they enforce this all from the get-go? Well, it works perfectly for them sliding into tiered pricing plans now. Wonder why they don't offer free cigarettes with an account. Get some customers hooked then start charging them for them at any time they feel right. Hey, it's not THEIR problem Fuck 'em
  8. Well put. I also like the explanation on how this wouldn't be an argument for the providing of phone service. So, you pay bell to have a home phone. They then start telling you that you are talking on it tooooo much and that it's affecting the service of other Bell customers. Then, you are told that you are talking about things on the phone that are "illegal" and that because of that you are the root cause for all the telephone problems that Bell is experiencing on a backbone that can't handle it. Yup, fair Same thing for TV. You pay for TV service. You watch too much of it, or watch to much of a certain type of programming, and now the provider is going to limit your usage.
  9. ^^^^ Got 'em. GA01 and GA02 Looks like they had about 50 tix in their big box o' tickets. Total for 2 came to $58
  10. Do NOT miss 'em the next time. Fantastic live performance and vibe. Lots of crazy Aussies in the crowd too
  11. ^^^^ agreed. Nothing wrong with Baracco, but it's a nice change and infusion of a new sound element This is why I love P&F. Rotating members = fresh and new experiments on a solid and time-tested foundation. Can't wait for Rochester ... sure you can't swing it? Levon/Larry/Lesh man!
  12. Steve Molitz sounds killer on the Live/Dead set (especially Jam>The Eleven )
  13. Whoa! Where did that come from? What happened to him? Sad
  14. This Dark Star is FUCKING INSANE!!! Wish I could turn it up loud here at work Maybe it's "headphone time"
  15. They are giving away posters on each night of the run. Together, they will form the "ceiling" of the Warfield. Cool shit! Take a look here at some pics of one of 'em. http://tinyurl.com/4vaesh In the second poster photo - you'll see Uncle Bobo -aka- Bill Graham -aka- Wolfgang Grajonca - was placed in the upper right corner of the poster - in the clouds.
  16. I don't believe anything they say about the Leafs until I see it. There's so much bs that flies around. GO LEAFS GO
  17. Pens almost came back ... Get 'em in 5, that's OK. GO PENS GO for Booche:
  18. 5/13/08 show available for download/stream now at: http://www.archive.org/details/paf2008-05-13.neumann.flac16
  19. Wow ... 2 shows down and both are killer! Well, i heard the first one today while I was at work and it made the time just fly by . Here's where you can get your copies if you like. I can convert to MP3 and sendspace 'em or something if anyone is interested: http://rosemary.dyndns.org/plf-5-13-8-flac.torrent'>http://rosemary.dyndns.org/plf-5-13-8-flac.torrent Phil Lesh & Friends 5-13-8 @ The Warfield, SF CA I: Jam-> <<< The Grateful Dead Album >>> II: Jam-> <<< Anthem of the Sun Album >>> E: Not Fade Away Notes: If you are placing these bits on cd, try s1t9->s2t5 on cd 2, s2t6->s2tb on cd 3. Sound path: Neumann skm 140s->Sound Devices 722->Resample-1.8+(24/192->16/44.1khz); minor glitch fixes w/ cooledit. email: phopely@seas.upenn.edu http://rosemary.dyndns.org http://rosemary.dyndns.org/plf-5-14-8-flac.torrent Phil Lesh & Friends 5-14-8 @ The Warfield, SF CA I: Jam-> <<< AoxomoxoA Album >>> II: Jam-> <<< Live Dead Album >>> E: King Bee Notes: 2nd cd can fit as s2t1-s2t5, 3rd cd as s2t6-s2ta Teresa Williams was the voice of the harpy, a sound so sweet. Sound path: Neumann skm 140s->Sound Devices 722->Resample-1.8+(24/192->16/44.1khz); minor glitch fixes w/ cooledit. email: phopely@seas.upenn.edu http://rosemary.dyndns.org
  20. Hmm. The CRTC letter seems very reasonable to me. It seems to show that they truly understand the allegations of current activities and practices. It also shows that they want clarification, from both sides, on totally relevant data and assertions. As you said, only time will tell. I'll be interested in seeing the results.
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