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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. It usually looks like his sitting on something during those segments. What an awkward looking little man Don't feed him then. He's simply a Karma Troll. Fans that give it out have to be able to take it too (it's like comedy, you gotta be able to laugh at yerself) Yeah. You know I was thinking that too. Come the playoffs, you basically can't believe ANYTHING that is said by players, coaches, etc. regarding the health or injuries of teammates. Not saying that Alfie/Fisher will be back for the first round, but at the same time I wouldn't be shocked if they did make it back in the lineup. That's a good prediction. Getting the split on the road is key. Raise the confidence of the players/fans/etc then they get on home ice and anything can happen. It's in their heads as much as anything. Hey, Spezza for Luongo?? Where did that come from? Interesting.
  2. An extensive look at the Old And In The Way recording would be a must. That album became the biggest selling "bluegrass" LP at the time I believe. It also provided for the introduction of the genre to the masses.
  3. been on a real Who kick lately. Missin' the Ox
  4. Yup, he'll pirouette right through Redden and Commodore and face the big bad netminder:
  5. Guns make it easier for people to use bullets to inflict wounds that kill people. http://www.toronto.ca/handgunban/
  6. oh yeah, guns make it easier for people to use bullets to kill people Just throwing bullets at somebody doesn't really hurt
  7. Way to go Zimmy! Bob Dylan wins a Pulitzer
  8. Guns make it easier to kill people
  9. This would sound wildly different: Hockey Night to provide multilingual broadcasts during 2008 Stanley Cup Playoffs https://io.cbc.ca/io/content/content.aspx?pageid=viewmore_programmingnewsarticle&contentId=20669
  10. [color:purple]Oh, only if Pittsburgh didn't "tank" their last game by not dressing Crosby (against their hated rivals and dirty bastard Flyers) then everyone would be picking the Sens in the first round ... right Murray?
  11. In the Globe & Mail today (i guess Spezza doesn't like the bad media the team is getting ... kinda like Maurice?): http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20080408.MACGREGOR08/TPStory/National/columnists
  12. Wasn't sure. I just found that quote to be very odd. Thought that maybe I was missing something there and wasn't used to you being very sarcastic about the Sens organization. Cheers.
  13. So, it would have been more fun to get destroyed by the Ducks and lose the Stanley Cup on home ice in front of all your fans? That just seems weird, IMHO. I guess it would sting a little less with one more Cup Final gate receipt to deposit in the bank.
  14. Coulda Woulda Shoulda. Would he rather have lost in Ottawa?
  15. Bummed I missed it. Just wasn't in the cards after work yesterday. I got an email from a buddy in Boston who saw Wooten last week and he said it was a fantastic show. I'm eager to hear how it was at Lee's last night too. Anyone?
  16. The "negative tone" is COMPLETELY justified. Snap out of it Maurice, you're better than that. Sundin can be of value to the team next year as long as he's willing to play for under his expected salary on the open market and plays for less time to give others a chance.
  17. I can't cheer for a team that had Hossa on it, so Go Pens Go!
  18. Dude, i ain't that fat! The Leafs are so last season now!
  19. You guys are always welcome to come over to my house to watch hockey By the time the Cup finals get here it's pool party by day, hockey games at night
  20. 10 Things I Hate About Commandments:
  21. Sounds like you've got it under control. I'll try to get one in to you by tonight if I can. Thanks for setting it up. Cheers.
  22. Nice picks. I could so care less about the NYR/NJ series. I'm taking a chance on NAS providing an upset. Hey, it's happened before when Detroit's won the President's Trophy Here are mine: EASTERN CONFERENCE (1) Montreal vs (8) Boston [color:blue]Habs in 6 (2) Pittsburgh vs (7) Ottawa [color:blue]Pitt in 5 (3) Washington vs (6) Philadelphia [color:blue]Caps in 5 (4) New Jersey vs (5) NY Rangers [color:blue]NYR in 6 WESTERN CONFERENCE (1) Detroit vs (8) Nashville [color:blue]Nas in 7 (2) San Jose vs (7) Calgary [color:blue]SJ in 6 (3) Minnesota vs (6) Colorado [color:blue]Minn in 7 (4) Anaheim vs (5) Dallas [color:blue]Ana in 7
  23. There are buds on the trees! Go Leafs Go ... can't wait for the trees to be full of 'em again and know that summer is here
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