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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. Theme: "________"'s Song 1. Richard Wright - Pink's Song 2. moe. - kyle's song 3. G. Love and Special Sauce - Sara's Song 4. Phish - Mike's Song 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  2. By far, one of the most underrated guitarists out there. I can never get tired of listening to him and his wide body of work. He just played Buffalo (solo) the other night. Wish I could have made it.
  3. You wanted something a little more like this?
  4. It's the same thing that the banks and insurance companies do ... they are never losing!
  5. plooking too hard! the white zone is for loading and unloading only ... back on the bus ... kinda young, kinda wow!
  6. It's fine to use in the Department of Redundancy Dept. I won't not be using it again
  7. This Little Neck Tumor? Nah, I Feel Fine! man from China is to finally have a huge tumour removed today after discovering it 17 years ago. Huang Liqian, 58, first discovered a bizarre growth on the back of his neck in 1990, but chose to ignore it. However, as the years rolled on, it continued to increase in size at a rapid pace, with the growth ballooning to 15kg. Liqian developed symptoms such as severe pain and restricted movement two years ago, so he decided that it was time to find out what was happening to his body. After finally approaching doctors with the growing problem, his medical diagnosis revealed that he had a neck tumour. Liqian was taken to the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongging University of Medical Services in southwest China's Chongging, where he is due to have the tumour removed.
  8. LOL ... i just copy and paste what the fine people here at CBC send me .
  9. Two more drinks this morning... ONE WINNER!! Free coffee. Looks like the wife and I have combined odds of about 1 winner in 30!! I'd rather have a 'frequent buyer' program ... buy 10 get one free.
  10. Also of note for you Rheo fans: Rheostatics drop by Vinyl Café…A very special event this week, as the Rheostatics visit the Vinyl Café. There’ll probably be some music…Vinyl Café airs Saturdays at 10 a.m. on CBC Radio Two; Sundays at noon and Thursdays at 11 p.m. on CBC Radio One.
  11. Now if he did resign due to his personal beliefs, I'd be pissed-off if I had voted him into office. Regardless of his beliefs, he's been appointed by the people to represent THEM not HIM. I respect that he resigned, but why the fuck would people vote him back in again?
  12. For some really good tips, and to find out recent successful bids in all regions, check out this website: http://www.betterbidding.com/ I've found it very useful on a number of occasions.
  13. http://concerts.wolfgangsvault.com/ConcertDetail.aspx?id=20050270|2575 Genesis Shrine Auditorium Los Angeles, CA 01/24/1975 Tracks: 27 Total Time: 2:06:26
  14. I Won!!! No, not really. When I went for my afternoon Starbux fix I was a winner. I was treated to a fantastic cup of coffee and while in the store I got to listen to Ripple and Tupelo Honey! Wasn't expecting to hear that while I was in there Sounded better than all the hoser-talk at the Timmy Ho Ho's.
  15. I totally agree that a MP should be able to vote against their "party lines" and should only do so in the interests of their constituents. With the little bit of detail given here, i'd want some further reasoning than this: OK, so he has deduced that the budget should be fully supported based on one portion of it that relates to one industry in his entire riding and how it affects 300 jobs? Now, I understand that the effects will spread beyond those 300 within the community, but, would SUPPORTING the budget mean that in his riding a much smaller number of people could be dramatically hit by any of its ramifications? In this case, I would want to know if Comuzzi resigned because he "personally" didn't believe/support same-sex couples' rights, and then abandon those constituents that voted for him to represent them? Or, did he resign because there was a majority within his riding that vehemently opposed that bill? (which would mean he truly was representing his people)
  16. Cool! Montreal saw something when they drafted him in 1993
  17. BWM, I remember you telling me about Mike Watt and them back then. I had no idea who they were. I just saw Rob today. He said you were coming to town for your draft and the Rheos. If you have any time it would be good to hook up for a drink or something. Let me know if you'll have any time.
  18. Can't wait to see the pics of him waving the white baton. Wonder if he'll wear tails CLASSICAL MEETS JAZZ MEETS PHIL LESH As all Deadheads in good standing know, bassist Phil Lesh was a classical musician when Jerry Garcia recruited him for the Grateful Dead. Young Phil used to play with the Young People's Symphony Orchestra, and now he's paying it back in a fundraiser that also will benefit another Berkeley institution, the Jazzschool. Groups from both organizations will play, with Lesh conducting. $75 general admission, $25 ages 21 and younger. 7:30 p.m. First Congregational Church, 2345 Channing Way, Berkeley. (510) 845-5373, jazzschool.inhousetickets.com.
  19. Starbucks is my afternoon "crutch". I buy their beans for grinding .
  20. CONSPIRACY! Sounds like there's a story here like with the Lottery ticket vendors scandal . That would make a good parody.
  21. - Two more morning commutes - Two coffees - Two teas - Winners = 0 (still!) RRRoll Up The Rim To Lose
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