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Everything posted by Burnt

  1. Truck Driver and lovin' it.
  2. He's also playing on saturday night at Casino Rama as well.
  3. Burnt

    No middle name

    I guess I'm a member of the club as I don't have a middle name either.
  4. Their stuff I've heard sounds really interesting. I did email them to find out their taping policy about 2 weeks ago and haven't heard a word from them yet. Bradm you have any answers about their policy?
  5. Well you wouldn't have ruined my recording as I was onstage micing Dave's amps directly. Can't speak for Bradm though who is the one that set up right in front of the stage.
  6. I went to http://www.dominiononqueen.com/main.html and checked out the pictures' date=' and I'm wondering if [img']http://www.dominiononqueen.com/gallery/p3.jpg might be the back room. If it is, that doesn't look too bad, and even if it is, Lauzon's music lends well to on-stage micing. Aloha, Brad Thanks for the info Bradm
  7. So what's the taping situation like at the Dominion? Never been to the venue before.
  8. BTW Stoned Philips you still haven't filled in E yet even though a couple of us have mentioned it. E - Enter Sandman (Metallica)
  9. E - Enter Sandman P - Paralyzer R - Rockit (at least I think that's it, remember that 80's Herbie Hancock tune)
  10. Ric Lee - drums Alvins brother, couldn't name any of the others of the top of my head.
  11. This isn't their first show in Toronto, they played that SCI festival at the Docks a couple of years back. Unless you meant their first full length solo show.
  12. After looking at the entry in my show diary in detail it states you guys opened for Days Of You. Does that jog your memory a bit more?
  13. I checked my concert diary which lists ALL the shows I went to from the summer of '99 to the end of '01 and I also checked all my DAT's. The earliest recording I have of nero is November 3, 2000 at the Zone. I didn't go DAT until 10/22/99 and never taped nero on analog cassette. I also remember very clearly that both Velvet and Dave told me at different points throughout the night that it was the very first show the band had played outside of the Ottawa area. You guys had your 4-track recorder out but something didn't work out and so you traded me a copy of your very first album for a copy of the show. It was a cd-r that you guys burned and were selling at the time. This was not an after Phil show or any type of after party, you guys just showed up to play a regular gig .
  14. You weren't working there yet. What are you refering to here?
  15. November 3, 2000 was the first show played outside of Ottawa folks. At least that's what they told me that night I taped them.
  16. Somebody let me know when this torrent shows up on a site that does not require registration, thanks.
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