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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. what, you don't want to knock boots with santa? esau will be so disappointed! :: but really, if you thought christmas was fun before, wait till you take a ride on santa's magic dong!

  2. i had a dill pickle with peanut butter but no bread on the advice of my friend's boyfriend. i honestly thought he was messing with me but of course i had to do it anyways. (i wonder how i always injure myself?) that sh!t is weird and good. mmmmm pickles. mmmmm peanut butter and pickles.

  3. i just listened to erin mckeown's grand. i brought it home from the library just because i thought she looked like fun on the cover. it's pretty good and doesn't sound whiney or immature like a lot of women musicians. i have also been bringing home every van morrison album that gets returned when i'm working. i brought home too long in exile today but i haven't listened to it yet. so far my favourite van morrison album oscillates between moondance (of course) and how long has this been going on, which is super jazzy, i like it a lot.

  4. a giggly sketch bag who won't go away. (just ask my friends. :: )


    me talking about how the simpsons is a metaphor for a well rounded personality.

    either way i will make you laugh so i highly reccomend it. btw, i'm vegan so i prefer "nayonnaise".

  5. the muppets are greater than barbecued ribs as i am vegan. unless they're human ribs. once someone can tell me if humans are red meat or white i am going to have some barbecue ribs. i just need to know what kind of wine to get and what kind of sauce to make.

  6. you know what else is great, besides kevin's ass that is? the muppet show. i just watched a dvd with three episodes of the muppets. one with elton john, another with julie andrews and the last was gene kelley. i also saw the alice cooper one last winter. i love that show. dude, the muppets are great. :D

  7. hey paan! are you really having an after party? if so can me and ricky crash there after the show, i have an exam at nine in the morning the next day and its in hamilton it would save us a crap load of driving! it's not like i need sleep or anything. if this class got any easier or i got more prepared for the test it would upset the chi of the universe. this class was boring crap i figured out when i was ten years old using windows 3.1. crap crap crap. time for a nap.

  8. to keep canada's population afloat we should just let in more immigrants from countries that are way too full like japan, china and india. i moved from brantford to kitchener recently and noticed the major difference in the number of new canadians in kitchener compared to brantford. most of the people that move here from other countries have no money but a ton of education and determination. just looking at the things these people take out from the library totally impresses me. people who have a really strong accent take out stuff like sartre and aristotle english translations that i don't half understand and these people can read it in a language that is not their primary one! holy crap! there was this one guy who was getting kits on learning english from mandarin and i found out he was one of the head researchers at RIM (research in motion). this company makes really cool telecommunications stuff that is leading edge all over the world. i heard they're developing a cell phone that is made from paper so that you can recycle it when you want to get rid of it and upgrade. that is some smart thinking. they're not trying to preach at people for being disgustingly greedy, they're letting them do what they want and helping the planet out immensely. what if you could make these things out of hemp paper? imagine how environmentally friendly that would be compared to cell phones now! yea for smart immigrants!

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