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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. no, i used to live in brantford (aka browtown) and i moved to kitchener about six months ago. i miss all the brown folk so i offer them some free couch time every time i see them. browntown is a sh!tty place to live as it is economically depressed and almost completely devoid of culture, thus it is called browntown. the downtown is almost completely empty. all of the storefronts are boarded up and have fake stores painted on the boards. there is a guy named steve kun who owns a lot of the buildings down there and about once a year one of them or even more mysteriously burns down. i went to highschool with his son who is a big mean jerk. just total arrogance eminating from his pores. i have heard that mr. kun is pretty much the same.

  2. angela's ashes is good, and it's a good book too. the sequel which is called 'tis, is becoming a stage production (or maybe it's the original, i forget) it's about a poor irish family during the depression and they eventually emmigrate to the u.s.of course this is pre-bush2, so the states was still a good place to go.

    the princess bride is also another good one. it's old enough now that most of your students likely will not have seen it. it's also based on a book by william goldman, not s. morgenstern, contrary to popluar belief.

  3. super freak can make sense of anything! she is one cool browntown mama, which is a great city full of wicked women! (some of whom moved away and have a really nice apartment with a super comfy futon if anyone ever wants to move to kitchener!)

  4. [color:"purple"]Aaaaaah. Interesting point, my librarian friend, however, I recall as a child being bitten by a horse right on the stomach. Now, shall we ban all horses or only certain breeds... ;)

    fu©king smart ass! :D i refuse to argue with you, anyone else i'll argue with, just not you.

  5. i dont think the prosecution of the owner is much comfort.

    exactly. it doesn't change anything. if your kid gets killed by a pitbull and you get to ask the pitbull's owner for money, it still wont bring back your kid.

  6. i fell for it. i put myself on the "do not call, do not mail" list today and thought i would take myself off of the driver's licence list as well. then i remembered, they can't possibly have my licence, i don't have one. but i still maintain that i am one of the better drivers on the road. i drove for a year with no licence and no insurance and never once got pulled over, which just goes to show, little white girls in volvos don't get pulled over.:)

    they also used the wrong spelling of licence.

  7. . i was not debating the jaw-locking ability, i was debating the credibility of your source. this one is better. (i went to the ct humane society website to double check that their president was in fact richard johnson, which it is)

    about the jaw-locking tendency of pit-bulls, that is just what i have always believed about them. i guess i fell victem to urban myth. pit-bulls still have the ability to kill more than almost any other breed of dog, whether or not their jaws lock.

    the fact of the matter is that pit bulls can kill. i am not saying all pitbulls will kill. many pitbulls are lovely dogs. i have met some. i have met some that are horrible little things that should bite their owners for making them that way. agressive pitbulls are made that way by their owners. these animals should not be in society. it is impossible to give all pitbulls a personality test, therefore they need to be banned to stop anyone from being killed. same with any animal that is naturally a predator. predator canines almost killed a friend of mine in 2003. she still had open wounds from the dogs when she was at izzy's this year.

    it is sad that many people are incredibly stupid and train these wonderful animals to be agressive and dangerous. it is sad that many people are incredibly stupid in general, otherwise we would not need to have such draconian laws and we could all live in a wonerful state of lawlessness in an anarchistic, humanistic utopia. but this isn't going to happen so we need laws to keep people from hurting themselves and others.

  8. esau, the only name on that site was mary something or other and that site has a .com ending, meaning that it is not produced by an organization such as spca or a veterinary school, otherwise it would end in .edu. there is not "about us" page to say who created this site. it is also four years old. this leads me to suspect that this site has no authority and is not very current, therefore should not be considered a very reliable source of information.

    edit to add: i did a search on mary harwelik. she is a dog trainer that specializes in pit-bulls. if pit-bulls are banned, mary is out of a job.

  9. this isn't meant to sound mean...but what is the opposite of society then?? Would that not be the wild or 'away from society'?

    I am just trying to understand what you mean with that.

    i am not trying to find an opposite of society.i said i agree with the ban on pitbulls as they should not be part of society due to the fact that they are predators with physical ability to kill and the behavioural training to be agressive. they are animals and part of the world and therefore have a right to exist, they just should not be among people in concentrated areas, just like bears and lions and cougars. i really don't know how to make my position any more clear than that.

    predators + people = problems

    that's simple arithmetic.

  10. i believe that pit-bulls and rottwielers have a physical difference in their jaw structure that enables them to lock on to whatever they are biting by dislocating their jaw in a way that it is physically impossible to open the dog's mouth by force. ban dogs with this kind of jaw.

    also, i just want to clarify that i do not advocate putting domesticated dogs back in the wild. that is an absolutely ridiculous idea. my previous post stated that animals have a right to exist, just not in society.

  11. messenger is just like the cavern, just you need to download it and it works a little bit faster. you type, hit enter and then it can be seen on a screen by whoever else is looking at that screen via internet connection. it's a really fast message board, in a way. just go to msn.com, click the messenger link, then hit download and follow the instructions.

  12. I think Friendly should have be allowed to have a pet lion.

    me too! if everyone were like friendly i would think we all should have lions. all i am saying is that pit bulls have their place in nature just like lions and wolves and bears and cougars (tee hee), but i don't think their place is in "society". it's out in whatever habitat is their natural one. when wolves or bears or moose are getting to be too frequent of visitors in suburbia than they are trapped and relocated to a more proper area, better suited to their nature.

    predators + mere mortals (unlike friendly) = bad times

    that's all i am saying.

  13. your costume made me laugh

    for a day and a half

    it might have been the drugs

    that taste a lot like slugs

    which is why you may have seen

    me stay quiet or even mean

    for i was tripped out by you

    because mushrooms i did chew

    now you're back on the board

    and putting up with the horde

    i think we may have scored

    in retaining you, my lord!

  14. pitbulls have the power to kill and therefore should not be available as pets to the general public. i feel the same way about rottwielers. when i was twelve i got bit on the throat by a badly neglected golden labrador. if that dog was a pitbull i would likely be dead right now, instead of have a few tiny scars that only show up when i get a suntan. i love dogs of all kinds but i don't think they all belong in society. you don't see too many pet lions around, and personally i fell that it is a very similar comparison. they are both intelligent and potentially loving animals that have the ability and instinct to kill. it is not thier fault, it's just nature.

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