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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. so this winter i want to play on that hill that i live near now, so if anyone in k-w wants to go skiing or snowboarding at chicopee (aka chickenpee) i'll go! rick's not into it at all so i have no one to go with. i suck at both and i promise to fall alot and make you laugh really hard at my gross incompetence. :) :)

  2. oh i feel your pain (not literally right now, but often i do) i am a huge klutz. i never am bruise free. i have little depth perception because i am cross-eyed (which is not a product of inbreeding, i swear!) so i am always walking in to doors, walls, people, cupboards, bookshelves etc. i fall off the curb all the time, usually it happens at major intersections so i can be certain that at least a dozen people saw my pathetic attempt at being a normal human. once i went to give the finger to a guy who cut us off on the highway and i cracked the car window with the cast that was on my arm, which was another product of my klutziness. the cast was on my arm for four months because i kept hitting it on stuff and my wrist wouldn't heal. i've had stitches four times and none of them were cool sports injuries, just me walking in to stuff or playing with sharp cutlery or formerly docile animals. i walked in to a tree at izzy's this year, and i wasn't even drunk yet. i am dangerous to hang around with too. i have broken my mom's nose, my sister's teeth, my best friend's brother's toe, sprained my sister in several places, my cousin travis still has a nasty scar from skateboarding with me thirteen years ago. i know how you feel. i just can't believe the guy just stood there watching you. whenever i have "an episode", people usually end up doubled over laughing and pointing. this doesn't really help me any, but at least someone's having fun. obviously this guy has some inward personality defect.

    i hope you heal well, you might need your strength for the next time you "have and episode". ::

  3. bush makes politics in to a farce and deserves none of my respect. i applaud anyone in an official position that calls bush an idiot publicly for having the courage to say the truth instead of tiptoe around the a$$hole with a lot of power.

  4. i don't believe i said anything about people or towns in the us, just the political and economic policy.

    why is ben and jerry's something i would want to support? it's a huge company that makes food that contributes to nothing except the obesity of westerners. yes i know they have a flavour named after jerry garcia, but that still doesn't make them cool. they use animal products (milk) which are totally a waste of the planet's resources to produce "food", and i use that term loosely, that has little to no nutritional value and makes people way worse off than before they ate it. one of the two co-founders of ben and jerry's died of a heart attack in his early fifties! they also advertise like hell so you want to buy this crap and they charge way too much for it so you waste your money instead of doing something valuable with it.

    don't get me wrong, i know there is a lot that is cool about the states, i love tenessee's hiking and the rivers in north carolina are beautiful. the florida wildlife is a reason to live in itself. you will never see a better thunderstorm than on the plains. my cousins chris, dave and travis (americans born and raised) are some of my most favourite people. but i can't go to those places very easily without supporting a whole lot of bush interests on my way. i would rather stay in canada or go to cuba or poland or somewhere that is not out to dominate the planet.

    i don't know what magic hat is and i have never been to vermont.i know vermont seems pretty cool, but so does banff and the alps.

  5. why are people getting all shocked that someone called bush an idiot? he is an idiot and you don't need to be a member of any government to know it or have a right to say it. in fact, being a member of a government just means you have the responsibility to say it to assure your position as an elected official and not a blind minion of satan (aka bush). bbaarrggghhh. i'm still pissed. :(

  6. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah suckers! today's my day off and i am loving it! reading, eating, shopping, napping, more reading, more eating, sex later, another nap, dinner then bedtime ::

  7. I'm not even remotely concerned about terrorists. They'll strike if they choose to strike, and there is no guarantee that sitting here in Whistler will be any safer than anywhere else in this continent.

    It's the American authorities and their implementation of the Patriot Act that concerns me. As one who enjoys civil liberties, the US is not the place I want to spend my time.

    exactly! there is very little in american political or economic policy that i agree with so i choose not to support the usa directly as much as possible.

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