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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. i guess i used the term documentary a bit loosely. what i meant was that it is based on factual events from his life. i think the only "real footage" is at the end when they show his road trip companion as he looks today. i am not positive that the old guy on the screen really is him but that is what is implied.

  2. just saw this documentary about che guevara's road trips after medical school and before he went to cuba. it was really well done, totally loved it! i don't want to say much more for fear of wrecking the movie. i highly recommend it.

  3. the chili is a-simmerin'!! if anyone has extra bowls and spoons they could bring that would be snazzy, i really don't want to serve it in disposable containers. there is full kitchen facilities so your dishes will be returned clean!

    do your part for the environment and eat some vegan chili and bring your own bowl and spoon at least! yea! ::

  4. if we didn't have these arbitrary classifications of religion, nationality, race and even gender the world would be much more peaceful.

    RIP arafat, even though you did some horrible sh!t in your life. we all think we are justified when we do evil things.

  5. i had the opposite happen. i moved out from my parent's six years ago and now i can't even stay for more than a couple of hours because of their cat. i used to live with this cat and now i can't breathe at all, my throat and lungs get all tight and i wheeze like i need a traecheotomy. but when i go camping where i am not used to the plants i have allergy problems for the first day and it gets better the longer i stay. i also haven't taken anti-histamines in several years, i think they weaken your body's natural ability to fight the allergens.

  6. i did a year of anthro at uw, i dropped out too. i might go back once i get my dipoloma for library tech., but probably not to uw, the campuse sucks and i found the whole vibe really unfriendly and boring. i mean, classes were ok, interesting but huge! i had a psych class with over a five hundred people in it.

  7. if i were really hungry and stranded on an island not near any soybean plantations you can bet your ass i would be in the water catching my own damn marlin with my teeth, or at least trying really hard and failing miserably and therefore providing entertainment for the group. therefore you should keep me around for morale and general levity. :D

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