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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. i have not heard of that

    does it involve a bat?

    or the eating of cat?

    how about the sun or moon?

    maybe a mystical rune?

    the singing of a tune?

    a crazy gray haired loon?

    no, i cannot say i know this thing

    there is no bell that it does ring

    you must expand upon this book

    or give it here for a look

  2. broccoli and many other veggies will do that in a frusteratingly short amount of time. to rejuvinate the crispiness in your veggies, soak them in water in the fridge overnight. don't leave them in the water for too long in the fridge though, (as in several days) bacteria might spread in an environment like that, especially if your fridge isn't that cold.

  3. holy schnikes, that was neat and i have to say, that was a barrel of monkeys! esau and company, fu©k YOU! :)(i think we should change this to the new standard canadian greeting. oh nice to meet you fu©k YOU! ) and thanks for the drinks, even if i did cover myself in tequila. paisley, your thoughts on librarians were quite entertaining and i'm glad you came out.

  4. i've met a lot of people in canada who like bush. if you ever talk to people over forty who are well off (ie. own their own large home, two cars, vacations, investments etc.) they like bush because he is preserving the status quo, if not even making the divide between the owners and workers even larger. class jumping is next door to impossible now, and if bush wins it will only get worse. i can't think of one of bush's policies that i agree with or that advances human development in any way. i guess if you are already at the top of the financial ladder nothing else matters if you are a shallow and gluttonous republican.

    and that is my angry rant for the week.

  5. yea! tonight is thursday, there simply is not enough fat cats in my life. (acoustic or otherwise) now i have to walk the fine line of being drunk enough to lose the inhibition so that i can get my ass on the dance floor and not too schwilly so that i am all hungover at work tomorrow.

    ooooooohhhh, nobody knows the trouble i've seen, nobody knows but jeeeeeesuuus.

  6. the beatles

    led zeppelin


    b.b. king (and many other blues musicians whom i cannot name due to my lack of music knowledge and the white dominance of the music production industry at the time that the music came out)

    tina turner/janis joplin- they made it ok for women to be single adults with their own career instead of the help-meet of men. and they really fu©king rock!

    celine dion (just kidding :), i don't think canada as a nation can aplogize enough for her)

  7. zero, if that last line of your ginormous post was supposed to sound as snotty as i took it, it was completely unecessary. i just didn't understand where you were coming from so i asked you to explain it so that maybe i could get some new insight and actually have a meaningful conversation instead of the usual "inane chatter" that i am characteristically a part of on this board. now that you have taken the time to clarify your ideas for me (thank-you) i have a better understanding of what you are saying. i just wish that the attitude could have been left out of this thread, it would have been much more enlightening. part of intellectual conversation involves defining your terms and parameters so that all participating can fully understand the topic at hand and therefore contribut meaningfully to its development.

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