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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. i'm online for school

    but i am acting like a fool

    looking at pictures that make me drool

    of diesel drummers who are cool

    posing naked on their stool

    that picture doesn't really exist

    and that makes me kind of pissed

    i want some porn that is actually nice

    where the guys don't have any crotch lice

    or put things in their bum, like mice

    and thier balls don't have spots like dice

    just some pics with lots of spice

  2. your fired!!

    learn to spell. you're fired! ::

    i did spell your fired rightly


    :o :: :: :: :D :: :: :P

    no you didn't. sorry for being such a spelling nazi, but i think that is hilarious.

    your (denotes posession) you're (contraction of the words you and are). very different words.

  3. people were nuts at the libraray today. i love not having to worry about selling sh!t because now i just get to go along with it and laugh my ass off after they leave. being at the downtown branch i get to see many colourful characters. my job is fun. :)

  4. i met a girl who worked for a psychic phone line. every call started with "what is your first and last name and your birthdate?". the so called psychic would type this in to her computer and all sorts of information would come up about the caller, such as credit history, occupation, number of children, address etc.

    however, peaches (an infrequent user of this board) predicted the scores for all of our soccer games the season she was in grade eight and i was in grade seven.

    and, i ran home for no reason once and it turned out my sister was having an emergency. i had never run home before and never after either. just never felt the need to other than that time.

  5. years ago there was a personality test going around that was quite rigorous (read really bloody long) about which simpson's character you are most like. i am homer by a landslide! what's wrong with hedonism and a deep love for those that you care about?

    oh yeah. i hate underpants. and socks. until i get cold. then i love them.

  6. i care very much about politics. i try to live by the credo that the personal is political. i feel that many of my actions are political statements. i have made my choices through sound logical thinking supported by the research of many sources. i am in no way apathetic. i feel that if i do as much as i can to support my political opinions than i have actually made a difference. i mean, i get to swim in water that is not polluted with ecoli and i know that i am helping to keep it that way because i am vegan.

  7. i will eat all of you if you keep talking about eating each other's pets. i might be vegan but i have no qualms about eating human! :) ( and i used to have a bunny that could eat all of you. my evil roomate poisoned it. i guess she got bit one too many times. bitch should have stayed away from my animal. and not been such a bitch.) yeah.

  8. julio my beta lived for a year too. then i had to give him to someone to look after as there were no pets allowed in my building and he let julio's water evaporate! a$$hole. but i was thinking that by naming a fish that is an expression of the emotional bond. ricky has these two rabbits that he thinks he is raising for meat. i have named them stew and stir-fry. i am just waiting for my first check when i can get them a cage for our apartment as right now they are in a hutch at his parents' house. then i will have bunnies, yea! and when i put them in the same cage together i will have lots of bunnies! :) :) :)

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