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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. Season one and two are on rogers movie network on demand right now. Great show, it's crazy when you realize that you are rooting for a serial killer.

    But does it make the killer as endearing as Hannibal Lechter? I frickin' love Silence of the Lambs.

  2. I got bit by the Christmas Spirit Bug. The dealership I currently work at is across the street from the bookstore I used to work at, so when I went to do a coffee run for Ford I brought a tray of coffees over to the Cole's people as well. I really loved that job and miss the people terribly. It was nice to give a little surprise to them.

    Work on Christmas Eve isn't all that bad!

  3. Dear Work 2,

    Can I please have a baseball bat to break up fights with? I'm a lot smaller than the three guys I had to jump in the middle of last night.

    P.S. They got blood on my coat, I'm sending you the dry cleaning bill.

  4. Hey!!! Books aren't stupid. I might not work at the library or book store anymore but I'm still a total book geek. P.S. If working at the book store actually paid me enough money to not be in abject poverty I would still work there, I loved that job. It's weird though, I loved working at Cole's in Brantford but hated Chapters in Kitchener. Que sera.

  5. I'd get your cousin a Che Guevara biography. There are a few to choose from. I really liked Gandhi's biography but it was a long book and would probably intimidate a kid that young. Does Craig Kielburger (I'm not even sure I have that name right, the kid that does all the international charity work) have a biography? That would be a great read for a thirteen year-old.

  6. I've had the same favorite song for over ten years and it still kicks my ass every time I hear it.

    Sunday, Bloody Sunday by U2 is one of the most moving, blood boiling songs I've ever heard. Nothing strikes me quite as powerfully as this song.

  7. It's a frame where a cross section of a beam would look like this: [ instead of being a full box (which I do not know how to draw on this keyboard). Fully boxed frames are much more resistant to twisting, bending and breaking. Ford also bolts *and* welds the frame cross members in thier truck frames which is how they get the highest payload and best towing capacity.

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