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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. Fines for traffic violations are significantly higher in la belle province. But' date=' smokes and beer are cheaper. So it all balances out![/quote']

    Also, drivers are significantly worse in la belle province. =)

    Driving in Montreal should be an event on Fear Factor!

    If you ever are stuck in that situation of driving in Montreal, don't signal, signalling is for suckers there! When people see you want to change lanes they hurry up to block you in!

  2. I'm a big fan of having somebody cuddly and furry to curl up with at night. I think it's my inner child yearning for a teddy bear, but now that I'm grown up I want to be able to do naughty things with said bear.

    And I like having that intimate connection with somebody, where you share similar values and have all these fun little inside jokes and whatnot.

    I'm a sap, somebody shoot me please.

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