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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. i'm going to be the best "man" at my friend don's wedding this summer. he's attractive, i'm attractive (if i do say so myself) but we both just realize that we provide each other with one type of friendship that doesn't include sex. i also have friends that i do find attractive and that i would have sex with but i still don't want a boyfriend girlfriend thing with them. it's just realizing what you want and remaining focused on that.

  2. Phorbsie, stick it out and finish Atlas Shrugged, it took me about three months to read that book (hey, i was busy alright) and it had a huge impact on my philosophical outlook. it also came to me at a time when i really needed it, i love ayn rand!

    Last night i finished Travels in a Thin Country by Sara Wheeler. It's about a woman's six month trip through Chile. i love travel writing and this woman did a lot of cool things during her six months. i found her to be a bit arrogant and she uses pretentious adjectives where plain ones would be better. i still enjoyed the book though, even though the author was a bit of a git.

    now i'm not sure what i'm going to start today, i have a good stack of books i haven't read yet, i'm debating between two of Margaret Atwood's (Blind Assasin and Good Bones), A Prayer for Owen Meaney, Much Ado About Nothing, and Diana Gabaldon's Outlander. Oh, and the Time in Between, the Giller Winner from this year.

  3. it took me until today to recover from the weekend. this weekend kicked ass! friday i got to go to dover on a harley during the day, caught the mark and mark show in toronto that night, worked saturday, caught the mark and mark show saturday night,worked sunday, went to bed at eight oclock sunday night and finally woke up at 11 monday morning. both shows kicked ass, great tunes, great vibes. we all know both of these bands are top rate, they are both still evolving and developing new sounds and material and it's always worth the effort to go to these shows. they are staples of the southern ontario musical diet.

  4. they play at two doors down most thursdays, which is very convenient as i live two blocks away from two doors down (there is no need to be confused by that). they kick ass. their repertoire is primarily covers done well, lots of balls in their music, lots of volume, good southern style rock. i totally love it. they're the kind of band that gets the adrenaline going without having to be cheesy (a la acdc) their originals are very moving and rhythmic. i love their shows and see them regularly.

  5. Happy b-day miranda! you're one of the things i really miss about the k-dub, but don't get me wrong, i love livin' downtown browntown.

    yea for miranda!

    she's funny, technologically amazing (cool website building diva), sells pocket boyfriends and is just plain awesome to be around. it's good that people like you are multiplying!

  6. so i moved back to brantford and have no car. however i'm extremely charming and need to get out of town to see more shows. i also have a generous nature when it comes to gas money and coffee for the drive. please help! can reciprocate the favour when good shows are in brantford with the form of crash space for many in a convenient location.

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