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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. here's to wishing you a happy birthday anyways,

    i know how you feel, my great grandma died two days before my b-day two weeks ago. also, on my actual birthday i found out my oldest friend is dating my ex that i lived with for twoish years!

    next time i see you i think we should celebrate together a very merry un-birthday... misery loves company, especially when that company is bitterly cynical and fucking hilarious!

    well, if you don't like hugs how about a love bite for your birthday?

  2. The people that are in your life are your family. Someone said that above. That is the honest truth. I lived next door to my best friend for years. Her parents went to high school with my Mum and step-dad, the kids of both families went to school together (elementary) and we still all see each other from time to time. Michelle's family is more my family than many people that I'm related to. They have had and still do have an influence on who I am.

  3. My step-dad tried to adopt me when i was ten-ish since i hadn't seen much of my biological dad in my whole life but bio dad wouldn't sign the papers. Every once in a while I think I see my bio dad because i do know what he looks like but i'm never sure and it's kinda freaky. I guess I'm emotionally adopted but not on paper. I know my mom though and that's who i lived with until I was seventeen. My last name is infamous in Brantford (I kept my bio last name) and it always raises questions, especially now that I'm in sales and have to give my card out to people all the time.I'm always afraid that I'm going to give a card out to someone that knows my dad. I have no desire to see him.

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