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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. Cully, you know how you said the vibe was off......that's exactly what i'm talking about. Yes, i am glad i went, yes i danced my ass off. Why? Because i like live music performed by talented musicians, drinking beer and dancing. It wasn't my favourite BNB show, but it was still a BNB show and therefore it was good. It just wasn't the best BNB show i've ever been to. Does every show have to receive a comment about how unbelievably amazing it was? I think they would be meaningless if that were the case. Don't you?

  2. If i had a request it would definitely be Truths and Rights!!!!!!

    Also, do any of the band members have comments on the sound crew from last year? No offense meant Willy, it's just that most of the other fans I've talked to said the sound was fine and I know the crew is more concerned about whether the bands would like anything different.

  3. The singer/ guitar player for outside the wall is a neurotic, perfectionist, rabid Pink Floyd fanataic. I mean that in the most complimentary way. His incredibly anal retentive attention to detail does pay off on stage. Not only do they have a full band, but also female back-up vocals and I heard rumours of a laser light show. They have a huge circular screen in the background that plays scenes from the Wall. This group is a very professional and dedicated ensemble.

  4. okay, it's saturday, three in the morning. trying so hard not to pass out while typing. ended up with four hours sleep last night. went to blaze-o for cheap drugs, the deals were better than the dollar store. the service smelled faintly of cookies, maybe burnt ones. they were definitely fried. if i'm sketchy tomorrow, blame it on blaze-o's cheap drugs.

    woo hoo frickin' hefner, still can't wait for BNB

  5. happy bday mon ami

    i'm going to buy some bacon today and eat the fuck right out of it

    that sounds really hot, i wish i was bacon.

    happy bacon day from your friendly neighbourhood vegan.

    keri, you kick ass. i've got some chili with the baconprincess moniker on it!

    wow, that sounds hot too!

  6. It's three in the morning friday. I am so excited about Cully's weekend I can't sleep. In seven hours I'm hitting the dollar store for cheap drugs, eight hours after that I'm eating some (unless work is really boring, then I'll just get fucked up and sell some phones to sketched out homeless people wandering about the mall to keep warm). I figure these dollar store drugs are going to be pretty dirty, so they should keep me up until saturday evening when the Burties roll in. Then the dancing and profuse beer drinking begin.


  7. This was the highlight of my day so far, I don't care if it was real or fake, I laughed so hard I have tears in my eyes. The advice, the pun, the pictures.......thank-you all so much!

    Incidentally, if I were the girl in this situation, I would appreciate the truth. Yes, I would make fun of you profusely until one of us died, but i definitely would want to know that only something totally extreme could make someone abandon me in an art gallery while fucked up. I would forgive you and laugh until my sides hurt.

  8. I sell cell phones for the Wireless Wave (Bell, Rogers and Fido) and according to what I have gleaned so far there have been no conclusive studies. Each individual phone model (eg. Motorola V220) has an SAR rating, indicating the amount of radiation produced by the phone. If this really concerns you get a model with a low SAR. Honestly, I really don't believe that my cell phone is going to give me a tumour. It's just fear and skepticism of new technology, which is perfectly normal and understandable. This issue was pretty hot a few years ago, but it has really died down with the lack of evidence. I know there are a few anecdotal cases that would make great examples of proof if they were statistically viable, but the fact is that they are not. I'm pretty sure that there will always be one person that has a bad reaction to even the most banal thing. Humans are infinitely variable in their physiology. Most of us are going to be okay, even if we talk on yuppie phones.

  9. Walking home from work the other day I saw a wonderful sign outside the Alex!!!

    Burt Neilson

    Saturday March 11

    Alexander's Tavern

    Market Street, Brantford

    cover at that bar is usually between five and ten

    is it too early to start the roll call?

  10. i've hardly seen any of the Chappelle show, but one episode I did see was the Samuel Jackson beer commercial. Holy shit that was funny!

    How's it taste motherfucker?

    Now every time I sell a cell phone I get the urge to ask "How's it sound motherfucker?".

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