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Posts posted by bokonon

  1. So I just started reading this book called How To Go Further by Woody Harrelson and an idea struck me. The hippies of my parents' generation successfully challenged a lot of social norms and conventions. I really do feel that they paved the way for non-conventional lifestyles and familial arrangements. Now in my generation many people deny the existance of a valid counter-culture. However, I feel that the fact that ideas like organic food and green cleaning products are now quite mainstream is proof of the fact that my generation's zeal for environmentalism has had a positive effect on the mindframe of western society. Basically I believe that we have and should contintue to take the philosophies that began with the fifties and sixties counter-culture and combine them with the modern research and technology of today to continue increasing our environmental efficiency. To sum up, my parents fixed the uptight notions of gender roles and societal convention, we should do what we can to make the planet cleaner. Then we could all run around naked, drinking water right from the rivers! (holy shit, I do still have some naive optimism left in me, I thought I was a hundred percent jaded and cynical by now......must be that springtime air)

  2. i quit two years ago (WOO HOO! anniversary just passed) in the first week of March. In May of that year I started biking to work all the time (about ten kilometres) and you should have seen the shit that came out of my lungs, it really did look like shit! I think it had legs, too. It took a while for me to really notice a huge difference in lung capacity etcetera, but of course it does make a difference. Mind you I smoked players light smooth or native smokes (yea Gold Leaf!) and nearly a pack a day, so I had quite a lot of room for improvement. Now, if only I could stop being such a lush I'd be a downright health nut!

  3. , it is almost 25, and that's a quarter of a century, which is definitely old

    FUCK YOU!!!!!

    okay, i'm practically a cougar

    but i can't help it, all i seem to attract are eighteen year-olds and their dads!

    if you call my age old again i'm going to break your junk!

    oh no, who let the drunk girl...... wait, scratch that,,,,, the drunk woman...... near the computer to type?

    at least i still get carded on a regular basis

  4. if i see some naked redneck cokehead's nuts at two in the afternoon again i'm kicking them with my fourteen holes!

    other than that, i frickin' love frontier town!

    my goal of the weekend will be to make it to one of the skanc pics, i have not been in one yet! i'm always working when they're going on!

    my speculations............

    the biggest festival i can recall was somewhere close to two thousand i believe, it was one of the last ones at the ghost town.

    it's not at izzy's anymore because Gary is not running the park anymore.

    average attendance at izzy's was five hundred-ish i would estimate!

    oh, and Rick, if you lurk on this board, do i still have permission to jump on anything of yours????? ;)

  5. Honestly, I have to give props to the sound crew. They give a lot to the festival. A lot of the equipment is theirs, which they transport themselves. They give a whole lot more time than just the weekend to set up and tear down all that. The mixers stay sober until they are done their job and they really put their best effort in to providing the best sound possible, not only focusing on the mains, but getting the monitors to satisfy the players. So many sound crews neglect the monitors and basically tell the musicians to suck it up and stop being pussies. But the more confident the band is in what they're playing, the better the show, no? From my limited understanding of band dynamics, communication is huge. If you can't hear what everyone else is doing, how can you have a good jam? If the jams aren't good, then the fans complain. Personally, I'm pretty picky about the sound myself, but I think that Scott and crew do a great job. I love the mix they produce and they are pros at disaster relief. I know that Scott and Doug have worked together on many occasions and get along wonderfully, both socially and musically. I give total props to the sound crew. Scott, Wayne, Pete, Tom, Ron, I love ya's!!!!

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