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Posts posted by CyberHippie

  1. quote:

    The scientists said they looked at other factors, such as the use of oral contraceptives, frequency of sex and personality type, but found that none could account for the findings.

    How about the fact that couples having sex without condoms are more likely to be in happy committed relationships, and therefore not depressed?

    I love how you can make stats say basically anything you want.

  2. My take on it is, no matter who has it, or where it's found I think everyone kinda gets screwed... They'll have to let the 'innocents' go sooner or later, but I would think it would be pretty miserable for everyone in the party...

    I could be wrong though.

  3. Crazy story, mine isn't quite as crazy, but still a lesson well learned...

    We were crossing the NB/Maine border for Lemonwheel. At the last gas station stop I discovered I had forgotten a pipe and a little weed in my backpack (really it was unintentional). So I figured I'd better take it out of my backpack, at first I was just gonna put it in my cargo pocket, thinking that I've only ever been in vehicle searches, they never search your person. I decided to air on the side of caution, and "crotched it".

    We rolled up to the border at around 2:30am, and there was one single window. Very small crossing. "You going to Lemonwheel? Pull over!" So we all got out of the van and they led us into the building while they commenced the searching of the van. Boy was I ever glad it took the weed and pipe outta my backpack. No here was the part I wasn't ready for. They began to interrogate us... Turns out one of our group had a narcotics possession incident on his record.. Uh oh... I sat there and watched as they grabbed the first of our group, put on work gloves and began to search him (not a strip search though). He had to empty all his pockets and wallet, and had a very thorough touchy feely search. With that search they would find my stash for sure. It was about then that I began to shit bricks...

    I was eventually pulled aside for my turn. First I emptied my wallet. Damn I was lucky, I had no rolling papers in there! Next emptying all my pockets... I had eaten a chocolate bar earlier and still had a little foil in my pocket, the dude opened up the foil and it was brown inside. Oh shit! He got very suspicious, eventually I was able to convice him that it was Kit-Kat reminents. Now the physical search... Man I bet some people would pay to be felt up like that. But, somehow he didn't manage to find the pipe and weed. The whole while I was absoutely shaking like a leaf, I thought I was so fucked! But in the end they found nothing and we were sent merrily on our way...

    We were so lucky! I realized that I would have not only been screwing myself, but I would have screwed things for my whole crew. I would not have been a popular person let me tell ya...

    So... Never again will I tempt fate and bring anything across the border. That could have been a much harder lesson learned that day. The phish mojo must have been out in full force...

  4. Sinced I missed out on Bonnaroo, and summer is here I'm really Jonsin' for some summer festival action. So... Looking at my busy summer schedule, it appears as though labour day weekend is free. I'm thinking moedown may be just the perscription I need.

    Just wondering if anyone has been to moe.down before? I'd love to know what the scene and camping is like before I make my final decision.

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