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Posts posted by peipunk

  1. Amazing. I almost wish I was camping onsite after reading about the Overlook and the Coil. Count me in on watching some NFL at 10 AM Sunday morning...at a Phish show. How surreal. Can't wait.

  2. All the Twins won though was the privilege of getting the shit kicked out of them by the mighty Yankees.

    Sorry FBN, I took the liberty of amending your quote to be more accurate.

    Which brings me back from loving the baseball game last night to hating baseball because of things like the New York Yankees, where money buys you championships.

    When the Jays are winning, I am right back on the "love train".

  3. Well, the ole cunt Favre looked pretty damn good, I actually made myself stay up to watch the game. The difference in the o-lines was frightening; they showed Favre with 7 and a half seconds in the pocket once, and he threw 31 times without being touiched. Meanwhile, Rodgers got sacked every other play.

    This whole revenge thing is so blown out of proportion, the Packers should be ecstatic that they have Rodgers.

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