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Posts posted by peipunk

  1. I have not had any problems with a Rogers PVR not recording a show.

    Since I haven't had any problems, I don't know what the issue might be if there was an issue causing a Rogers PVR not recording a show.

    If I had a Rogers PVR that I used to record shows and it didn't record a show like it was supposed to, I might be able to offer some insight into what the issue might be that would cause a Rogers PVR to not record a show; however, since I don't have a Rogers PVR, I don't have any insight to offer you.

    You're welcome.

  2. I'll share a similar story, my wife and I were looking for a property to invest in, and to maybe have a place to move to if we wanted some city life. We had a deal for 2 properties from the same person, and signed an offer after a verbal agreement. At the last minute, the owner realized that the penalties for breaking his horrible mortgage were huge and put his price up $30k! We walked away and promptly found a property that was a LOT better deal and closed it within 2 weeks.

    We are sooooo much happier that that happened!

  3. Black Eyed Peas = fail

    Tennessee at Pittsburgh >> Pitt

    Miami at Atlanta >> Atlanta

    Denver at Cincinnati >> Denver

    Minnesota at Cleveland >> Minnesota

    Jacksonville at Indianapolis >> Indy

    Detroit at New Orleans >> New Orleans

    Dallas at Tampa Bay >> Tampa Bay

    Philadelphia at Carolina >> Philly

    Kansas City at Baltimore >> Baltimore

    NY Jets at Houston >> Houston

    Washington at NY Giants >> NY

    San Francisco at Arizona >> Arizona

    St. Louis at Seattle >> Seattle

    Chicago at Green Bay >> Green Bay

    Buffalo at New England >> NE

    San Diego at Oakland >> San Diego

    I'll take 80 pts for the tiebreaker.

  4. We did a live draft last week, it was fun, except only 4 people of 14 showed up, the rest was autodraft. Head to head matchups each week with points for all positions like you said.

    Yeah I remember you talking about a skank fantasy league, but I didn't want to get into anything that has maintenance, I got bullied into this one.

    I traded Forte for Turner for my primary RB...that move could go either way I guess.

    I am glad to have something to make me love football even more!

  5. I have a question, I don't usually follow preseason at all, I find it to not be a very good gauge for what is to come....I know that the stars don't usually play very much but are the rest of the starting lineups on the field much? Should I be paying more attention to it? I ask this because I am in my first fantasy football league ever...

  6. The Habs thread will catch up once the Price/Cocaine allegations start up again and we all know the Leafs thread will never reach more than a 100 posts after they're mathematically eliminated by game 10.

    Does that mean the sens will be mathematically eliminated by game 9?

    Nice try Jakis....we all know thats not possible.

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