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Posts posted by peipunk

  1. Countdown to the Appletards in 1...2...3...

    You must have missed the memo...its no longer fashionable to diss people who diss PCs.

    The current trend is to hate on people who hate on people who hate on PCs.

    And when the fuck did a "countdown" ever count up from 1 to 3?

    Happy Friday Ollie!

  2. Dilemma???


    Roller is so very right on this issue.

    He can't very well PVR the experience of being at the show now can he? I would go to the show Ollie.

  3. That was some fun ball to watch. That crowd definitely had an old-school vibe to it with a new-school attitude. It came across great on the tele.

    Doc was incredible, as usual. I admit to getting caught up in the hype but it matched the expectations. Fuck watching the Bruins and Lucic. Someone knock them out already!

    As a self-admitted Fairweather Fan, I am absolutely fascinated with my fascination with baseball at the moment. Watching the Blue Jays over any NHL second round Game 6? Even though I flipped between innings, that has NEVER happened to me before.

  4. Does he even like star trek??

    No he does not.

    I don't think it's a new timeline, is it? Hopefully not.

    An article I read said that the timeline is altered because of the events in this movie...so this allows them to have unlimited references and resources from the old movies and stories, but everything is slightly altered so they can do whatever they want with them. In short, we'll be seeing Khan in a new scenario in one of the next two movies. Confirmed.

  5. I love it when the pacific time zone teams get eliminated, just so we don't have to stay up so freaking late. I'm all for a Det-Chi conference final too.


    The worst thing about the Maritimes is being in the Atlantic Time Zone as a sports fan.....I mean, Monday Night Football STARTS at 10 fer crissakes.

  6. Which of the following words best describes the 2009 summer lineup at the Molson Amphitheatre?

    a. brutal

    b. crappy

    c. sad

    d. awful

    e. all of the above

    f. none of the above

    I'd circle f. if asked the above question, because none of the choices accurately depicts just how horrid the lineup really is. :)

    Peace, Mark

    WTF Mark Tonin said something negative? My world is upside down. ;)

  7. I've found myself saying to friends that it was better than any of the new Star Wars movies which is a bit of a ballsy proposition comparing Lucas to Abrams

    Ballsy? Those Star Wars movies were horrendous.

  8. I ALMOST ALMOST ALMOST drove 3.5 hours to see it at the closest IMAX to me which is in Halifax. If that makes me "not worthy" to you, you can take a longhardsuckofmyarse.

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