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Posts posted by peipunk

  1. dancingbear is a pediatrician, which is someone who does street tricks... but I thought it was on their feet ('ped') and not on something with wheels, like in the video. So yeah, I'm totally confused. He must have made the crossover because that is definitely him in the video.

    yes, and don't forget the pediaTRICian which clearly means foot-trike-expert so there is probably a hidden third wheel to account for those crazy tricks

  2. Can we ask any questions of peipunk here? Maybe like a Dear Abby/Ann Landers type thing?

    I meant to ask you when you were over if you have any nero shows on DVD.

    Well, there is no way I could live up to the impossibly high standards of the old classic "Ask Hamilton a question" threads, of which I could only find THIS.

    (If anyone can find the original, please post!)


    Should I have another beer?

    ...lets give this one a yes.

  3. I am starting to think bradm get too much abuse around these parts!

    Seriously, I think I have a copy around somewhere of the songs...but not with any of our hacked up packaging that we made. Thanks for asking, I was surprised to see this!

  4. Thanks a ton everybody!

    I would just like to add, to everyone I didn't see on last weeks Ontario visit, my sincerest apologies. To everyone I did see, it was fantastic as usual. With all this talk of concerts and shows and travels, I realized I wouldn't trade a night like the Lorda wedding with so many amazing friends for anything! Much love!

  5. What I do know is that SNL hasn't been funny or relevant since the late 80s.

    That is the most assinine and ill-conceived thing I've heard in years. SNL and Fey's Palin impression singlehandedly influenced perceptions significantly and played into the popular consciousness. If SNL was so irrelevant how come all politicians vie for coverage on this influential program?

    Also Fred Armisen is fucking hilarious beyond words. From his first appearances as Fericito the latin nightclub comic to his so-on-point Obama ('I keep it cool'), to NY Governor David Paterson, to American Apparel's Dov Charney to so many other bits. The guy oozes funny. Will Forte is no fugging slouch either. Although I can't stand the new chick what's her name Kristen Wig. shudder

    ? Really? I agree with Jaimoe. Although there are always a few "moments" here and there (more cowbell) I haven't been able to sit through a whole episode in a looong time. I personally think Chris Farley was the last great comedian to be on the show.

    And Kristen Wiig..new chick? Hasn't she been on the show since 2005? Do you really watch it? ;)

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