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Posts posted by peipunk

  1. Bush allegedly was drunk when he backed into a parked car in the San Diego suburb of Mission Valley on June 28. This was after he was seen throwing objects at passing cars at 1:40 in the afternoon, including hitting the same car he would back into with a belt buckle. Ironically, this is the only hit Bush has ever had in San Diego


  2. Sorry I'm late!

    Home Hardware does indeed sell soil testing kits; but they only check for pH, Nitrogen, Potassium and Potash. Here are a couple of SKU's:




    you can buy the hype on pressure treated hydro poles though, good 'ol creosote.

    Pressure treating and creosote are definitely different things. Creosote usually means coal tar creosote. Up until 2004, the common treatment in "pressure treated" was CCA, Chromium Copper Arsenate, which contained two bad elements, Chromium and everybody's favorite chemical, Arsenic. After Dec. 31, 2003 the industry voluntarily switched to a different Copper based pesticide which is considered much safer.

  3. Nice work Todd!

    Please accept my smallest of criticisms, Jeff Beck for some reason spells the song "Led Boots" on Wired.

    Keep 'em coming for me so I can experience Ottawa Bluefest this year!

  4. Edited'd...F those guys!

    Good work!

    Not much booze involved here but a good ole embaressing story of mine.... back in a high school, me and my best friend Ryan decided that we were fearless daredevils. We called our stunts "Hellbounding" and the bulk of them involved one of us riding on the hood of the car while the other guy would drive (my record was over 140 km/h, face first on the hood of my Dad's Oldsmobile with my toes hooked in where the wipers are).

    One of our stunts was also jumping from high places....culminating with a drop from the rafters of the high school gym. We pulled it off a little sore, but we looked pretty heroic (and idiotic to some).

    That same day I went to party at a buddies place. A few of the guys decided to jump off the deck into some snow banks. I scoffed at them and headed up to the peak of the 2 story home. I remember yelling down "How deep is that snow down there?", then taking a last drag of a cigarette and saying "guess I'll find out when I hit the ground" and jumping.

    The snow was like 6 inches deep on top of ice. I broke my ankle and wrist and limped back into the house with my face turning green. My buddy who was hosting the party got his girlfriend to drive me to the hospital and called my Mom to come get me. FML.

  5. I (and I am sure my other "PEI" compadres as well) definitely have a story or 9 of being a bad drunk. However I would prefer to see this thread titled "Other Sports News" to deter onlookers who might decide to peek in after seeing the subject in the Forum Index.

  6. I don't remember anyone talking about this movie yet.....I just watched it.


    Great story, great movie, makes me want to get out and do some headbanging.

    If you haven't seen it, watch the trailer on their website (which is pretty amusing itself):


  7. Thanks Kev!

    I listened to Set One very LOUD while I pushed the lawnmower yesterday.....

    My Friend My Friend = old school jedi mind tricks

    I loved the funky dirty bass sound for Boogie On too... this show sounds great.

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