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Everything posted by AD

  1. the citizen needs to know about purple font
  2. Can I be critical for a moment? Everything was great up until Sea Change, but that song and Worlds Collide are both TERRIBLE. They have no place in the setlist. I'd rather hear Wesley Willis sing The Messiah than hear Worlds Collide again. But, Oh, Lonesome Me, Unknown Legend, Old Man with the tech playing banjo (I don't remember that from previous times seeing Neil) were all amazing highlights that I'll always remember. Love and Only Love was a great way to start the show. Loved hearing Powderfinger. I'm sure I've heard it live before but it always impresses me. The acoustic part of the set was perfect. I couldn't believe how he abused Old Black at the end of the show. I felt bad for the guitar. I've never seen him do this before either. Has he been doing that on this tour or was he perhaps pissed at butchering part of A Day in the Life? Good show. Happy I went. Plus I was about 15 rows from the stage, right in front of Neil. That helps a lot.
  3. AD

    "Economic Update"

    Harper's Options
  4. Yeah, thanks for posting it here when I asked, deadbeat.
  5. I bet that was siiiiiiiiiiiick. hehe
  6. Rex Murphy's piece is posted in the politics forum if anyone would like to read it.
  7. AD


    we've been giving thoughts for 5 days now. please join in! http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/250035/
  8. AD

    "Economic Update"

    so, Michaëlle Jean eh?
  9. AD

    "Economic Update"

    this whole thing is fucked. the Liberals are fucked, the Bloc is fucked, the Cons are definitely fucked, the economy is fucked, all the other issues that need to be talked about that are taking a backseat to this shit are fucked... The NDP are happier than pigs in shit though - and they shouldn't be, because everything is fucked.
  10. AD

    "Economic Update"

    I'll glady wait a long time for that.
  11. AD

    "Economic Update"

    i think the rules are different for calls between 2 people and calls between many people. but i'm not going to root around and try to back this claim up.
  12. AD

    "Economic Update"

    i read that it would be a 24 member cabinet, 18 Liberals and 6 NDP. is that what you mean by cabinet sharing?
  13. AD

    "Economic Update"

    At least Flaherty realizes that the Cons don't have any plans.... He resigns first, then Giorno.
  14. AD

    "Economic Update"

    None of the other three are the elected leader of the Liberal Party, the Official Opposition. It had to be unanimous to not be considered weak. Iggy has more support, but hasn't been elected leader.
  15. AD

    "Economic Update"

    and holy fuck did Harper ever fuck his shit up. what an idiot. and by fucking his shit up, he fucked up the whole country at the worst time. asshole.
  16. AD

    "Economic Update"

    Romanow, McKenna, Manley and Martin to form advisory panel on the economy.
  17. From what I can tell, Pollard played on the album The Sebadoh and in Folk Implosion.
  18. AD

    "Economic Update"

    that was a red herring which has since been retracted, and the coalition talks are going ahead on the premise of no economic stimulus from the Conservatives. breaking news - Liberal caucus is unanimous in saying Dion would lead the coalition.
  19. is your babysitter in the band or something? what's the connection?
  20. AD

    Neil Young Ottawa?

    the 400 series, special event buses. i'm not going to look up the times and stops for you. go to octranspo's website.
  21. AD

    "Economic Update"

    can you post the rest of the letter?
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