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Everything posted by AD

  1. i know he's super critical of MLSE, but in this case with the article I posted, is he really that off-base? it seems dead-on accurate to me.
  2. Way to recycle. . *sigh* I thought you were better than that.
  3. AD


  4. AD

    Bouche's Beef Fajitas

    ha, i'll settle for 'not ruined'
  5. AD

    Bouche's Beef Fajitas

    it does say "grilled to perfection" but i can't find that setting on my microwave or kettle.
  6. this is a stupid argument. Ruutu is better for his team than Laraque is for his, it's pretty plain to see if you watch both of them play. Lucic wasn't fazed by Laraque in that last game, where everyone on the ice for the opposition was pissed at Ruutu in at least the past 4 games. George takes up room, whereas Ruutu gets results, both in points, distracting the opponent, and drawing penalties. Of course Laraque is much more intimidating and stronger, but that only helps in the corners and when hitting a slow-moving target. Ruutu can hit too, and he's got more speed. There's no 'intangible' column in the stats obviously, but the stats that are recorded do indeed show Ruutu ahead of Laraque. Also, I'm sure Kovalev loves having BGL there, if he were ever to pass. One less skilled player to help the team. Laraque - 0 points, -4, 24 PIM, 7:51 ice time per game Ruutu - 6 points, +4, 33 PIM, 13 minutes ice time per game. Still, it's a stupid argument. All that said, Montreal is ahead of Ottawa in the standings and that probably says much more, but I'll stand by my position that Ruutu is better for his team than Laraque is for his.
  7. Damn right. He's still missed. I don't think there will ever be a better lead singer than Freddie.
  8. the commentators were also saying that that was because of a possible hand injury from a fight against boynton the night before. and the fact that lucic is a better player that george and wouldn't be wise to sit in the box. i don't know if i'm reading all these habs fan posts properly, but [color:purple]is george the best player ever? because he took up space on a line and just followed another player around all night trying to get him to fight, and he was unsuccessful? wow.
  9. pansy can't figure out how to email a picture
  10. what did i do? hey, the sens won, and the leafs and habs lost. what a great day. now, repeat ad nauseum.
  11. it didn't sound all that great on my tv. lots of starts and stops, and they kept panning around and only a few people in each shot were still clapping. then dick irvin would go to talk and roy would stand up and people would start cheering again so dick would stop etc. the canadiens ceremonies definitely set the bar for others to follow, but this one was shite compared to robinson, gainey, etc...
  12. AD

    Last Hour ?

    he's folky and good. i think he's got a myspace page up with a few songs.
  13. AD

    Last Hour ?

    Also, tickets might be sold out but Flecton Big Sky is releasing his new record tonight at the Elmdale and it is sure to be a great show. I think it's $8 cover. But get there early. Isn't Chris Cornell tonight at lansdowne? and hawksley workman at the bronson centre?
  14. AD

    Last Hour ?

    It will be 11 pm sharp or just a bit earlier - they definitely don't let bands stretch things out on Fridays and Saturdays.
  15. AD

    **Snowed in!!

    I'm in Ottawa, not sure what you mean with helping out, but thanks.... I think.....
  16. After seeing the jerseys in action, I don't mind the striping and colour scheme and all that, but the "SENS" lettering, placement, short-form, etc is terrible.
  17. AD

    **Snowed in!!

    wow, snow karma is going to fall heavily on your house this winter!! (but thank you, I love the snow!!)
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